Hrishikesh Vijay Karambelkar is an enterprise architect who has been developing a blend of technical and entrepreneurial experience for more than 14 years. His core expertise lies in working on multiple subjects, which include big data, enterprise search, semantic web, link data analysis, analytics, and he also enjoys architecting solutions for the next generation of product development for IT organizations. He spends most of his time at work, solving challenging problems faced by the software industry. Currently, he is working as the Director of Data Capabilities at The Digital Group. In the past, Hrishikesh has worked in the domain of graph databases; some of his work has been published at international conferences, such as VLDB, ICDE, and others. He has also written Scaling Apache Solr, published by Packt Publishing. He enjoys travelling, trekking, and taking pictures of birds living in the dense forests of India. He can be reached at