Topics in Contemporary Mathematics by Ignacio Bello
Topics in Contemporary Mathematics, 8/e, is uniquely designed to help students see maths at work in the contemporary world by presenting problem solving in purposeful and meaningful contexts. A variety of pedagogical features reinforce ideas and motivate students to learn. Getting Started offers a motivating introduction for the techniques and ideas in each section. Through web references and Web It exercises, students utilise the internet as an educational and creative tool to study mathematical concepts. Collaborative Learning encourages student interaction as they work together to solve problems. The Graph It feature found in the book margins provides step-by-step directions for solving specific examples using the TI-83 graphing calculator. Problem-solving approach throughout the text helps students learn techniques and methods that will benefit them throughout their lives and careers. These special examples use George Polya's problem-solving strategy (RSTUV--Read, Select, Think of a plan, Use the techniques, Verify) and a unique two-column format for describing the general problem-solving method and demonstrating specific uses. Abundant applications and examples include more than 500 examples and 4,100 carefully developed exercises that cover a wide range of topics and provide the instructor and student with flexibility in choosing computational, drill, or conceptual problems. Real-world applications motivate students and pique their interest. Other problems such as Using Your Knowledge, Discovery, Calculator Corner and Research questions help reinforce concepts and further develop the students critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. Skill Checker helps students test their knowledge with a variety of problems to ensure they have a thorough grasp of the material before continuing on to new concepts. The Chapter Summary provides definitions and section references for key topics within a given chapter. A Practice Test after each chapter is followed by Answers to the Practice Test, with references to the appropriate section, page and example for review, as needed.