I. Wessel, D. B. Wright, Emotional Memory Failures: On Forgetting and Reconstructing Emotional Experiences. A.J. Barnier, L. Hung, M. Conway, Retrieval-induced Forgetting of Emotional and Unemotional Autobiographical Memories. R.J. McNally, S.A. Clancy, H.M. Barrett, H.A. Parker, Inhibiting Retrieval of Trauma Cues in Adults Reporting Histories of Childhood Sexual Abuse. L.B. Myers, N. Derakshan, To Forget or Not to Forget: What Do Repressors Forget and When Do They Forget? A.J. Barnier, K. Levin, A. Maher, Suppressing Thoughts of Past Events: Are Repressive Copers Good Suppressors? M.S. Shane, J.B. Peterson, Self-induced Distortions and the Allocation of Processing Resources at Encoding and Retrieval. L.J. Levine, S. Bluck, Painting with Broad Strokes: Happiness and the Malleability of Event Memory. V. Nourkova, D.M. Bernstein, E.F. Loftus, Altering Traumatic Memory.