Quick Access Professional Guide to Conditions, Herbs and Supplements by Integrative Medicine
The Quick Access Professional Guide is an indispensable source of information on both conventional and complementary treatment regimens - including valuable data on uses, dosages, safety and efficacy of the most popular herbs and dietary supplements. The guide contains integrated monographs that allow quick answers to a wide range of questions. This monograph system is comprised of the following three categories: Condition Monographs - these allow the health professional to review a standard medical model of diagnoses and treatment protocols based on a known or suspected condition, with additional information on nutritional support and the use of complementary modalities. Herb Monographs - allow the health professional to consider the best evidence to support the use of herbs in maintaining health or in treating conditions. Supplement Monographs - provide substantive and well-referenced information on the use of dietary supplements in maintaining health or in support of condition management. A comprehensive Cross Reference Guide is also included which offers the user easy and targeted access to the required information.