Introduction PART I: WOOLF'S ENGAGEMENT WITH THE MARKETPLACE Reading, Taking Notes, and Writing: Virginia Stephen's Reviewing Practice; B.R.Daugherty Accessing Woolf: From Book to Reader - Virginia Woolf's Roles in Hogarth Press Distribution; E.Gordon Circulating Ideas and Selling Periodicals: Leonard Woolf, the Nation and Athenaeum , and Topical Debate; E.Dickens Woolf's Editorial Self-Censorship and Risk-Taking in Jacob's Room ; V.Neverow Between Writing and Truth: Woolf's Positive Nihilism; J.McVicker PART II: WOOLF'S RELATIONSHIP TO THE MARKETPLACE How to Strike a Contemporary: Mansfield and Woolf on the Market; K.Macnamara Something of a Firebrand: Virginia Woolf and the Literary Reputation of Emily Bronte; H.Bean Virginia Woolf and Gertrude: Commerce, Bestsellers, and the Jew; K.Leick PART III: WOOLF'S MARKETPLACE Middles and Middlebrows: Virginia Woolf and the Market of the Familiar Essay; C.Pollentier Woolf Studies and Periodical Studies; P.Collier The 'Keystone Public' and Virginia Woolf: A Room of One's Own , Time and Tide, and Cultural Hierarchies; M.Sullivan 'Murdering an Aunt or two': Textual Practice and Narrative Form in Virginia Woolf's Metropolitan Market; J.Young PART IV: MARKETING WOOLF The Grand Lady of Literature: Virginia Woolf in Italian Literary Periodicals under Fascism; E.Bolchi Virginia Woolf, Orlando , Milan, Mondadori, 1933; S.Villa Virginia Woolf and The Bookman ; Y.Uchida Don't Judge a Cover by Its Woolf: Book Cover Images and the Marketing of Virginia Woolf's Work; J-R.Falcetta