Neuroanatomy for Medical Students by J.L. Wilkinson
This second edition, contains an expanded bibliography, with references throughout the text, includes literature consulted during its preparation. More neurophysiology, neuropharmacology and applied anatomy have been incorporated. Revision of artwork is considerable: 47 new illustrations have been produced, of which 14 are additional, the rest, including the entire brainstem series, have been redrawn or photographed. A comprehensive glossary has been added. Some chapters present a brief account of recent research. Included here are subjects such as nerve growth factor, neural transplantation, dorsal column transection, cerebellar memory, perivascular spaces, neurotransmitters and neurmodulators, nuclear magnetic resonance and positron emulsion tomography. Other topics updated or expanded are: cell membrane structure and function, motor control, muscle spindles, spinocerebellar tracts, reticular formation, striatal transmitters, retinal neurons, pineal gland, pituitary tumours, split brain effect, visual cortex, neural plasticity and barrel fields. A revision section on topography of ventricles and a summary table of cranial nerve are added. Because the term extrapyramidal is still widely used clinically in describing disorders of basal ganglia, it has been retained in relation to these structures, and collectively to related cortical efferents, corticostriate, -rubral, -olivary, -nigral and -reticular fibres. It is not used in classification of spinal motor pathways.