1. Introduction: On anthropology of the Contemporary Generally and of Trump Specifically
2. Stigmatized Identity Motivating Right-Wing Populism: How the Tea Party Learned to Love Donald Trump
3. The Reddest of States: Fieldnotes from Trumplandia
4. Making the Cuban American Dream Great Again: Race and Immigrant Citizenship in Miami
5. We're on the Same Team, Right?: Political Polarization and Social Connections in Trump Country
6. Indexing Ambivalence: Laterality and Negation in Donald Trump's Co-Speech Gestures
7. Trump the Caudillo: Tapping into Already-Existing Populist Unrest
8. Lying as a Cultural System
9. Orange Candles and Shriveled Cheetos: Symbolic Representations of Trump in the Anti-Trump Witchcraft Movement
10. I Don't Think the Science Knows, Actually: The Biocultural Impacts of Trump's Anti-Science and Misinformation Rhetoric, the Mishandling of the COVID-19 Pandemic, and Institutionalized Racism
11. Trumping the Past, Trumping the Future: How Political Messianism and Conspiracy Theory Cultism Come Front and Center in American Politics
12. Hindutva and Donald Trump: An Unholy Relation
13. The Events at the Capitol and the Trump Mediation: America's Uncivil War and New Authoritarian Totalitarian Possibilities
Afterword: Authroritarianism After Trump