PART I ; The Catechism-a bad Substitute to the Bible-is substituted to it ; 1. Church of England Catechism-this perhaps the First Censorial Commentary ever applied to it ; 2. On Religion in a Christian Free-School, the Bible the only fit Lesson-Book ; 3. No substitute to the Bible should be there taught-the Catechism is made a Substitute to it ; 4. Badness of this Substitute in every respect: I. As to Faithfulness-No Tests of it ; 5. II. Badness in respect of Matter ; 6. III. Badness in respect of Form ; 7. Of the Badness of this Formulary, in respect of Matter, the Framers of it were conscious ; 8. Of the Badness of this Formulary, in respect of Faithfulness, Matter, and Form, the Imposers of it on the Schools are conscious ; 9. The Religion thus taught by the Rulers of the Church of England, is not the Religion of Jesus ; PART II ; Exclusionary system of Instruction-its Establishment-its bad Tendencies ; PART III ; Exclusionary System-Grounds for the Hope that the Approbation of it is not general ; PART IV ; National Society-Grounds for regarding the Exclusionary Acts as Spurious, and its Reports as Purposely deceptious ; 1. Cause and Ground of Suspicion as to Authenticity ; 2. Marks of Authenticity, proper and usual, in Reports of Proceedings of Public Bodies ; 3. Positions and Plan of Proof-Ends pursued by the Institution-Means employed ; 4. I. Proofs of the System of Exclusion ; 5. II. Proofs of the System of Imposition. General Committee-Meetings none ; 6. Proofs of the System of Imposition continued-II. Sub-Committees and their Meetings, none ; 7. Proofs of the System of Imposition continued-III. Acts spurious ; 8. Securities against Spuriousness-Cause of the Omission of them, Necessity and Design-not Inadvertence ; 9. [III.]-Authors, acting and consenting, of the combined Systems of Exclusion and Imposition ; 10. Authors, &c. continued-Dr. Manners Sutton, Archbishop of Canterbury ; 11. How to organize a Chaos-Forms of Disorder exemplified in these Reports ; 12. General Committee-Fraud involved in the Title thus given to the Managing Body ; PART V ; Baptism and Sponsorship proper, when instituted-Baptism useless, Sponsorship improper now ; APPENDIX NO I ; Remarks on the Object of the Church of England Religion, as avowed by the Bishop of London ; APPENDIX NO II ; LORD'S SUPPER-not designed by Jesus for general Imitation-its utter Unfitness for that Purpose ; APPENDIX NO III ; Remedies to the [Mischiefs of the] Exclusionary System as applied to Instruction ; APPENDIX NO IV ; Remedy to all Religious and much Political Mischief-Euthanasia of the Church ; 1. Plan of this Paper ; 2. Euthanasia, in Contradistinction to Cacothanasia, what?-Uti possidetis Principle-its Application to this Case ; 3. I. Service ; 4. II. Pay ; 5. Pay continued-Merit, whether producible by Sinecures ; 6. III. Discipline ; 7. State of Discipline, as exhibited by Authority, and elucidated by a Diocesan Secretary ; 8. Ulterior Information from Mr. Wright ; 9. Vices of Excellent Church recapitulated ; 10. Facienda in the way of Reform ; APPENDIX NO V ; Recent Measures of pretended Reform or Improvement-their Inutility and Mischievousness ; Introduction ; 1. I. Giving Increase to the Number of Non-Resident Incumbents ; 2. II. Increasing the Number of Resident Curates. III. To that End, out of the Pockets of Incumbents and Patrons, taking Money, and forcing it into the Pockets of Curates ; 3. IV. For Increasing the Value of English Livings, exacting from the Population of the Three Kingdoms the Annual Sum of 100,000l. ; 4. V. Regulating the [occupations] of Agriculture, in the case of a Parish or other Priest ; 5. VI. Over Incumbents and Curates, lodging despotic power in the hands of Bishops ; 6. VII. Announced, and remaining to be executed. From Christians, and others of all persuasions, money to be exacted, sufficient to render the number of Church-of-England Churches commensurate to the whole population