- Volume 2.- 1 Manifolds.- [28] Differentiable Manifolds, Annals of Math.(2) v.37, 1936, 645-680.- [29] The imbedding of Manifolds in families of analytic manifolds, Annals of Math.(2) v. 37, 1926, 865-878.- [30] On regular closed curves in the plane, Compositio Math. 4, 1937, 276-284.- [35] Analytic coordinate systems and arcs in a manifold, Annals of Math.(2) 38, 1937, 809-818.- [50] The self-intersections of a smooth n-manifold in 2n-space, Annals of Math. (2), 45, 1944, 220-246.- [51] The singularities of a smooth n-manifold in (2n - 1)-space, Annals of Math.(2), 45, 1944, 247-293.- [72] The work of John W. Milnor, Proceedings ICM 1962, Institut Mittag-Leffler, Djursholm, Sweden, xlviii-1.- 2 Bundles and Characteristic Classes.- [36] Topological properties of differentiable manifolds, AMS Bull. 43, 1937, 785-805.- [42] On the theory of sphere-bundles, NAS Proc., 26, 1940, 148-153.- [44] On the topology of differentiable manifolds, Lectures in Topology, U. of Michigan Press, 1941, 101-141.- [69] (With A. Dold) Classification of oriented sphere bundles over a 4-complex, Annals of Math. (2) 69, 1959, 667-677.- 3 Topology and Algebraic Topology.- [11] A characterization of the closed 2-cell, AMS Transac., v. 35, 1933, 261-273.- [15] Regular families of curves, Annals, of Math.(2) v. 34, 1933, 244-270.- [31] On matrices of integers and combinatorial topology, Duke Math. J., 3, 1937, 35-45.- [32] On the maps of an n-sphere into another n-sphere, Duke Math. J., 3, 1937, 46-50.- [33] The maps of an n-complex into an n-sphere, Duke Math. J., 3, 1937, 51-55.- [38] Cross sections of curves in 3-space, Duke Math. J., 4, 1938, 222-226.- [39] On products in a complex, Annals of Math.(2) 39, 1938, 397-432.- [40] Tensor products of abelian groups, Duke Math. J., 4, 1938, 495-528.- [41] Some combinatorial properties of complexes, NAS Proc., 26, 143-148.- [43] On regular families of curves, AMS Bull., 47, 1941, 145-147.- [48] Topics in the theory of Abelian groups, I. Divisibility of Homomorphisms, AMS Bull., 50, 1944, 129-134.- [54] Complexes of manifolds, NAS Proc., v. 33, 1947, 10-11.- [56] Relations between the second and third homotopy groups of a simply-connected space, Annals of Math.(2) 50, 1949, 180-202.- [57] Classification of the mappings of a 3-complex into a simply-connected space, Annals of Math.(2) 50, 1949, 270-284.- [58] An extension theorem for mappings into simply-connected spaces, Annals of Math.(2) 50, 1949, 285-296.- 4 Geometric Integration Theory.- [52] Algebraic topology and integration theory, NAS Proc., v. 33, 1947, 1-6.- [53] Geometric methods in cohomology theory, NAS Proc., v. 33, 1947, 7-9.- [59] La topologie algebrique et la theorie de l'integration, Colloques Internationaux du CNRS XII, Topologie Algebrique, 1947, 107-113, published by CNRS, Paris, 1949.- [62] r-dimensional integration in n-space, Proc. Int. Cong. Math., 1950, vol. 1, 245-256, Amer. Math. Soc. 1952.- [65] Introduction to Geometric Integration Theory, Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 1957, pp. 3-31.- 5 Other Subjects.- [9] A logical expansion in mathematics, AMS Bull., v. 38, 1932, 572-579.- [16] Characteristic functions and the algebra of logic, Annals of Math.(2) v. 34, 1933, 405-414.- [60] (With L.H. Loomis) An inequality related to the isoperimetric inequality related to the isoperimetric inequality, AMS Bull., 55, 1949, 961-962.- [71] (With A.M. Gleason) The extension of linear functionals defined on H-infinity, Pacific J. Math. 12, 1962, 163-182.- [75] The mathematics of physical quantities. Part I, Mathematical models for measurement, Am. Math. Monthly 75(1968), 115-138, Part II, Quantity structures and dimensional analysis, ibid. 237-256.- [76] Logic fad or tool? nico 4, 1969, Revue per. du centre Beige de Pedagogie de la Mathematique, 2-14.- [81] Comment on the division of the plane by lines, Am. Math. Monthly 86(1979), p. 700.- Permissions.