Reuse, Repair, Recycle: A Mine of Creative Ideas for Thrifty Living by Jan McHarry
This practical guide shows how to reduce consumption and fight waste through recycling, and how to create new from old. With the help of this book, the concept of conservation through recycling can become a natural part of everyday life. The book is divided into three sections - "Action and ideas" looks at policy issues and legislation; "The world of recycling" examines other countries' recycling practices, and serves as a resource of ideas to share worldwide; and the "Recycler's A-Z", the main body of the book, contains up-to-date information on a wide range of household and office items. It stresses the need to reduce the quantity of materials bought, and gives creative ideas for their reuse. A resource section lists suppliers, equipment organizations and contacts. The book is endorsed by the National Recycling Forum.