Jason Fry is a writer in Brooklyn, New York, where he lives with his wife, son, and about a metric ton of Star Wars stuff. He is the author of the New York Times bestselling Star Wars: The Clone Wars Visual Guide, Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Ultimate Battles, Star Wars: The Clone Wars: New Battlefronts, Star Wars: The Clone Wars Character Encyclopedia, and The Clone Wars: Official Episode Guide: Season 1, and has written extensively for the Star Wars Insider magazine.
Kemp Remillard has been a professional concept artist and illustrator for games, film, and commercials since 2004. In 2015 he was approached to illustrate Star Wars: The Force Awakens Incredible Cross- Sections for DK Publishing in conjunction with Lucasfilm. Since then Kemp has dissected more of the Star Wars galaxy, providing new artworks for the updated edition of Star Wars: Complete Locations, and cross-section vehicle illustrations for Star Wars: Rogue One The Ultimate Visual Guide. Kemp enjoys art, design, humans, vehicles, characters, stars, wars, peace, space, history, and many other subjects that help him visualize the Star Wars galaxy. He currently lives in Berlin.