No One's the Bitch: A Ten-Step Plan For The Mother And Stepmother Relationship by Jennifer Newcomb Marine
One of three Americans is today a stepparent, a stepchild, or a stepsibling. That means there are lots of stepmothers and ex-wives out there wrestling with resentment, jealousy, anxiety, anger, and despair over their relationship with the "other woman" in their life. That's where stepmother/ex-wife team extraordinaire Jennifer Newcomb Marine and Carol Marine step in. No One's the Bitch is their straight-talking, handholding walk through what is typically a very lonely minefield. Whether women just want to create a neutral, "business" partnership or actually, gulp, to become friends, this book shows them how to reach their goal through ten powerful steps, with chapter titles such as "Own Your Own Crap," "Collaborate," and "Communicate." The authors also recount their own journey, providing ample hope and reassurance to all women struggling to keep a blended family together.