McGraw-Hill's GED Mathematics by Jerry Howett
You can create your own path to GED success with help from McGraw-Hill's GED test series. The newly revised McGraw-Hill's GED test series helps you develop the skills you need to pass all five areas of the GED test. Presented in a clear, appealing format, these books offer many opportunities for test practice and explain the essential concepts of each subject so you can succeed on every portion of the GED exam. The series covers: language arts, reading; language arts, writing; mathematics; science; and, social studies.McGraw-Hill's GED Mathematics guides you through the GED preparation process step-by-step. A Pretest helps you find out your strengths and weaknesses so you can create a study plan to fit your needs. The following chapters introduce you to math concepts on which hundreds of GED questions are based. Then check your understanding of these ideas with the Posttest, presented in the GED format. You can then see how ready you are for the big exam by taking the full-length Practice Test. McGraw-Hill's GED Mathematics includes: clear instructions to show you how to use number grids and coordinate plane grids; instruction and frequent practice with the Casio fx-260 calculator; problem-solving strategies to help you understand word problems; and, easy-to-follow lessons to develop essential math skills in whole numbers, decimals, fractions, percents, ratios, data analysis, geometry, and algebra. With McGraw-Hill's GED Mathematics, you will sharpen your study skills for test success!