The Step Counter Diet by Joanna Hall
The healthiest new fitness craze around - pedometer step counting has been embraced by fitness guru, Joanna Hall, as the answer to the nation's weight problem. The book and pedometer pack will enable you to take Joanna's 10,000 step challenge! As a nation we're getting ever more obese and inactive. TV-watching, computer games and other sedentary activities are creating a generation of unhealthy people, with diabetes and heart disease on the rise. This is where the step counter (pedometer) comes in. With a target of 10,000 steps a day, people all over the country are taking up the challenge, taking stairs instead of lifts, walking to the shops instead of driving. Joanna's book gives you: - food lists with the number of steps you need to take to work off the calories of your favourite meals and snacks - why walking works and how to get more active - flat stomach routine to work off the apple shaped physique (fat sitting on the abdomen has been identified as the great health risk) - her carb curfew (no carbs after 5pm) food principles