A Bit of an All-rounder: 40 Years of Cycling Photography by John Coulson
For 40 years John Coulson combined his love of cycling with a profound interest in photography. As a club cyclist his racing achievements were somewhat ordinary (he did once finish 5th in the Wessex 24-hour time trial); as a photographer, however, they were exceptional. At first it was no more than a matter of selling individual action shots to competitors in local races for little more than the cost of printing them, but within a short time came demand for his work from professional publishers. Over a period of more than two decades his photographs and frequently his accompanying articles graced the pages of Cycling, International Cycle Sport and a variety of other leisure and sports journals. What is reproduced here in A Bit of an All-Rounder constitutes only a fraction of his output, but it faithfully reflects the range of his work. Road racing, time trialing, touring, it embraces all the interests and enthusiasms of the British cycling clubman.