Gaffer by John 'Gaffer' Rollinson
This publication portrays the life of John "Gaffer" Rollinson, one of the most dangerous men in the country. He has made the villains' Hall of Fame through a lifetime of unmitigated violence, driven by a fearsome rage that has seen him become a guest of Her Majesty's prisons on half a dozen occasions. Rollinson could have been a boxer, but he was booted out of the sport as a teenager because his wild rages made him unfit to fight under the Queensberry rules and he was deemed an unacceptable risk even in the most violent of sports. So he became a barber, but his cut-throat razor was soon put to a bloodier use as he carved a notorious reputation for himself thoughout the clubland and debt collection circuit. Yet despite his appalling record of violence, Gaffer is not a man without compassion: ask the teenage drug addict he picked up off the street and on whom he spent thousands of pounds in a drug rehabilitation clinic; or the neighbours whose mortgage he paid for six months to prevent them from being evicted. Gaffer is a character people love or hate; there is no in-between.