Step by Step Computer Applications by John Roche
Step by Step Computer Applications is designed to introduce students to a wide range of popular computer applications.
* It assumes no previous familiarity in the use of computer applications
* Tasks start with simple operations, such as loading an application, and gradually progress to cover more complex operations
* Each task is illustrated by precise, step-by-step instructions
* The book is generally non-software specific, but explains how to perform each task using Microsoft Office 2003 and 2007
* Written for students taking the following courses:
* FETAC Word Processing Level 5
* FETAC Spreadsheet Methods Level 5
* FETAC Database Methods Level 5
* FETAC The Internet Level 5
* FETAC Computer Applications Level 4
* FETAC Information Technology Skills Level 4
* ECDL and any course with a computer applications element
* Also suitable for Transition Year and Leaving Cert Applied students taking any ICT module