Making the Terrible Twos Terrific! by John Rosemond
In a completely revised and updated edition of his classic parenting guide, nationally recognized expert John Rosemond offers practical, tantrum-free methods for raising toddlers and getting them through the terrible times from age eighteen to thirty-six months. Focusing on the developmental period spanning age eighteen to thirty-six-months, which renowned parenting expert John Rosemond dubs, the twos, Making the Terrible Twos Terrific offers practical parenting advice to ensure that every child's twos are terrific. By offering comprehensive tips on everything from toilet training to developing good habits for bedtime, as well as disciplinary techniques to control aggressive behaviors, Making the Terrible Twos Terrific approaches parenting in a straightforward, accessible manner that is easy for parents to implement and achieve success with their toddlers. No bribing, meltdowns, nudging, or cajoling are necessary. All parents need is consistent, firm, and loving interactions with their toddler to guide him or her during the developmental years. The methods described by Rosemond also translate to success throughout other life endeavors such as school, relationship building, and even productivity in the distant tween and teen years. To ensure that earthquaking foot stomps, decibel-shattering screaming, and consistently stubborn behavior are not the norm for your toddler, consult Rosemond's Making the Terrible Twos Terrific .