Landscapes of Eastern Provence: Cyte D'Azur and Alps by John Underwood
10 car tours, 50 long and short walks, 41 picnic suggestionsOne of a two-volume guide to Provence, intended for those who want to tour by car and enjoy some superb walks along the way. Beginning at Nice and the Riviera, you head north and west through the Alpes-Maritimes and Alpes de Haute-Provence (highlights include the Mercantour National Park, Grand Canyon du Verdon and a journey on the Train des Pignes). Beyond Var, with its unspoilt coast, the book takes you round the Montagne Ste-Victoire to Aix-en-Provence.The touring routes have been described in such detail that there is no need to make constant reference to a map. The walks selected - all set in areas of great natural beauty or historical interest - are those the authors believe offer the greatest sense of satisfaction for the effort involved. They are mostly circular walks suitable for moderately fit people.Unusually for a 'Landscapes' guide, this book inludes recommended restaurants, with details of their menus.