Windows 7 In Simple Steps by Joli Ballew
Discover everything you want to know about Microsoft's newest version of Windows in this easy to use guide; from the most essential tasks that you'll want to perform, to solving the most common problems you'll encounter.
This bookcovers every practical aspect of using Windows 7 on your PC or laptop and is filled with easy to understand practical tasks that will help you to achieve immediate results.
This series of vibrant books will teach you exactly what you need to know using
- A friendly, visual approach
- Easy-to-understand language
- Practical hands-on tasks
- Full-colour large format screenshots
To build your confidence and help you to get the most out of your computer, practical hints, tips and shortcuts feature on every page:
ALERT! Explains and provides practical solutions to the most commonly
encountered problems
HOT TIPS Time and effort saving shortcuts
SEE ALSO - Points you to other related tasks and information
DID YOU KNOW? Additional features to explore
WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Jargon and technical terms explained in plain English