Alain Touraine - a pioneer in the New French Sociology, Michel Crozier; Alan Touraine - "Sociologue du Travail", proudhonian, pessimist, Michel Rose; skills flexibility and effort in a post-factory world - evidence from Britain, Michel Rose; Touraine and the method of sociological intervention, Francois Dubet and Michel Wieviorka; movements of modernity - some questions of theory, method and interpretation, Alan Scott; the sociology of Alain Touraine - a modernist look at post-industrialization and the ambivalence of social movements, Louis Maheu; social movements in a comparative perspective - situating Alain Touraine, T.K. Oommen; the study of solidarity and the social theory of Alain Touraine, Luke Martell and Neil Stammers; discource as power - a second look at confrontational adaptation, David E. Apster; politics, the political and the theory of social movements, Andrew Arato, Jean L. Cohen; collective action, culture and civil society - secularising, updating, inverting, revising, and displacing the classical model of social movements, Jeffry C. Alexander; Alain Touraine's conceptions of modernity, Danilo Martucelli; social action and the production of society, William Outhwaite; Touraine's subject versus Rawl's "Homo Politicus" and Habermas' "Homo Commicans", Raymond Boudon; modernity, the subject and the supervision of sociology, Andre Gorz; a scoiology of the subject, Alain Touraine.