A Metaphysics of Platonic Universals and their Instantiations: Shadow of Universals by Jose Tomas Alvarado
This book offers a detailed defense of a metaphysics ofPlatonic universals and a conception of particular objects that is coherentwith said metaphysics. The work discusses all the main alternatives inmetaphysics of properties and tries to show why universals are theentities that best satisfy the theoretical roles required for a property. Thework also explains the advantages of Platonic over Aristotelianuniversals in the metaphysics of modality and natural laws. Moreover, itis argued that only Platonic universals are coherent with the groundingprofile required for universals. The traditional objections againstPlatonism are discussed and answered. The third part of the book,finally, offers a conception of particular objects as nuclear bundles oftropes that is coherent with the Platonic ontology of universals. This book is of interest to anyone that wants to understand thecurrent and intricate debate in metaphysics of properties and itsincidence in many other areas in philosophy.