Reflections on Self Psychology by Joseph D. Lichtenberg (Private practice, Bethesda, Maryland, USA)
Based on the proceedings of the Boston Symposium in the late days of 1980, Reflections in Self Psychology is a testament to the remarkable spirit of open inquiry, as co-editor Joseph Lichtenberg observes, which characterized the event. Composed of chapters based on the work and presentations of some of the leading theorists and clinicians in the field at the time, the book itself has feels more like a dialogue than an exposition, more a seminar than a lecture. The vast sweep of self psychology is thoughtfully divided into clear sections, bringing order to the myriad of voices and discussions running through the narrative as a whole. But far from merely promoting and propagating self psychological theory and clinical applications, the contributors are also aware of its critiques. Though the volume is more than 25 years old, it offers a breadth of knowledge that would be comprehensive, even by today's standards.