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Karen Bali is self employed and married with two children aged 12 and 9. Fearing her children were becoming 'chicken nugget junkies' she teamed up with Sally Child to develop a book that will help busy working parents offer a healthier family diet. She hates cooking and is definitely not a domestic goddess.
Sally Child is a nutritional therapist with a background as a nurse and health visitor and has three grown-up daughters and a grandson. She lectures on children's nutrition and has written other books on the subject including Dealing With Difficult Eaters.
Part one
Healthier eating for busy families
1 Why are fruit and vegetables so important?
Healthy eating: a short introduction
The food groups and what they do
The benefits of fruit and vegetables
Why do kids hate veg so much?
Making sense of 5-a-day
Portion sizes
2 Choices choices...
Should you buy organic?
Seasonal produce and food miles
A word about allergies
3 Let them eat veg!
Sneaking fruit and veg into
What do I do with...?
When fruit and veg should become 'normal'
4 Habits and psychology
Breaking old habits
Set an example
Give praise
Talk about it
Understand; don't fight
Changing habits takes time
Giving them choice
'Just for you'
Make it fun
5 Saving time and effort
Once a year
Save time preparing meals
Plan ahead
Shopping wisely
Make the most of your freezer
School lunches
Changes and additions to convenience food
10 things you can do right now, without effort, to improve the health of your family
Part two
Putting it into practice
Main meals for the family
Meals for children
Puddings and sweet treats
Packed lunches
Eating out
Menu planner
Useful contacts