People of Didcot by Kenneth Caulkett
This fascinating collection of around 200 photographs illustrates the history of Didcot in the middle part of the twentieth century. From the history of the Barn Church and the community activities that were associated with it, to the many social and sporting events that took place in Didcot, the book provides an intriguing record of the more recent history of Didcot. The author has constructed a book that will provide older residents of the area with a nostalgic look at the recent past and bring to newcomers and the young an opportunity to look at how things used to be. The reader will encounter many faces, some known and some unknown, but all who have participated in making Didcot what it is today. This endearing collection provides an unparalleled insight into Didcot and gives a glimpse of the streets of the town and the people who lived there, at work and leisure. Many of these photographs are in print for the first time and will provide much nostalgic pleasure for many.