Minorities, Aging and Health by Kyriakos S. Markides
Ethnic minorities represent a growing percentage of the elderly population in the United States. Yet, the impact of aging on minority groups and subgroups has only been partially studied. Now, Minorities, Aging, and Health begins to fill the gap and open up the debate on how to provide for the specific needs of an increasingly diverse elderly population. In order to provide as complete and current overview as possible, the contributors examine a variety of populations, including Hispanics, Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, and Native Americans. Some specific issues covered in this volume include: mortality and life expectancy, the incidence of disease and disabilities, diet and nutrition, access to health services and long-term care, and public health care policy. This book is both timely and unique, thus making it a welcome addition to the literature on aging for scholars and health care professionals. It will be an invaluable resource in the fields of gerontology, public health, ethnic studies, and nursing.