The Best Flowers for Midwest Gardens: The Plants You Need to Create Spectacular Low-Maintenance Gardens That Bloom with the Seasons, Year after Year by Laara K. Duggan
The book features: 202 detailed plant profiles; Plant selection charts by colour, height, and season; Flowers and ground covers for every site -- shady, sunny, moist, dry, and more; low-maintenance how-to's for preserving plants, backs, and tempers; Garden activity calendars for every season; Flowers and tips for attracting butterflies and birds; Sure-fire propagation techniques; Glossary of flower talk; Cross-referenced listings of botanical and common names; Midwest gardens to visit. Create the flower garden of your dreams with plants and techniques that will work in the sunny, snowy, ever-changing weather of the great Midwest. Areas covered: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, and Wisconsin.