I. Introduction. 1. Public Economics and the Environment in an Imperfect World: An Introductory Summary; L. Bovenberg, S. Cnossen. 2. Public Finance and the Environment; A. Sandmo. 3. The Political Economy of Implementing Environmental Taxes; M. Pearson. II. An Imperfect World. 4. Taxing Bads by Taxing Goods: Towards Efficient Pollution Control with Presumptive Charges; G.S. Eskeland, S. Devarajan. 5. Global Climate Change, Energy Subsidies and National Carbon Taxes; B. Larsen, A. Shah. III. Assessment Problems. 6. How a Fee Per-Unit Garbage Affects Aggregate Recycling in a Model with Heterogeneous Households; T.C. Kinnaman, D. Fullerton. 7. Environmental Taxes on Intermediate and Final Goods When Both Can be Imported; J.M. Poterba, J.J. Rotemberg. IV. Institutional Aspects. 8. Are Incentive Instruments as Good as Economists Believe: Some New Considerations; H. Weck-Hannemann, B.S. Frey. 9. The Political Economy of the Environment in Developing Countries: Market Failure and Institutional Response; E. Wiesner. 10. Pollution Taxes as a Source of Budgetary Revenues in Economies in Transition; T. Z1ylicz. V. The Need for Co-ordination. 11. The Role of the European Union in Environmental Taxation; S. Smith. 12. Pure Global Externalities: International Efficiency and Equity; P.B. Musgrave. 13. International Co-ordination of Environmental Policies and Stability of Global Environmental Agreements; C. Carraro, D. Siniscalco. VI. Efficiency and Distribution Issues. 14. Environmental Taxation and the "Double Dividend": A Reader's Guide; L.H. Goulder. 15. Energy Levies and Endogenous Technology in an Empirical Simulation Model for the Netherlands; F. den Butter, et al. 16. Welfare and the Environment: Implications of a Recent Tax Reform in Norway; H. Vennemo.