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Child Development Laura E. Berk

Child Development By Laura E. Berk

Child Development by Laura E. Berk

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The fifth edition of this topical approach to child development features greater coverage of new theoretical directions, more emphasis on the role of emotions in development, expanded treatment of family diversity, and enhanced focus on exceptional development.

Child Development Summary

Child Development: International Edition by Laura E. Berk

The fifth edition of this best-selling topical approach to child development continues its tradition of being the most current and comprehensive text available. Laura Berk, renowned professor and researcher in the field of child development, has updated the text with a heightened emphasis on inclusion of interdisciplinary research, diverse pathways of change, the critical interplay between biology and environment in child development, and greatly strengthened links between applications and theory or research. This edition's substantial revision brings forth all the new themes that represent the burgeoning, changing field of child development at the crossroads of a new millennium.

Laura Berk carefully considers the complexities of child development, presenting classic and cutting-edge theories in an especially clear, engaging writing style, with a multitude of research-based and real-world examples. The helpful topical organization emphasizes to students the interrelatedness of all aspects of development - physical, cognitive, emotional, and social - throughout the text narrative and in special features. Students are provided with an especially clear and coherent understanding of the sequence and underlying processes of child development.

Table of Contents


1.History, Theory, and Applied Directions.

Child Development as a Scientific, Applied, and Interdisciplinary Field.

Domains of Development as Interwoven.

Periods of Development.

Basic Issues.

Continuous or Discontinuous Development? One Course of Development or Many? Nature or Nurture? The Individual: Stable or Open to Change? A Balanced Point of View.

Historical Foundations.

Medieval Times. The Reformation. Philosophies of the Enlightenment. Darwin: Forefather of Scientific Child Study. Scientific Beginnings.

Mid-Twentieth-Century Theories.

The Psychoanalytic Perspective. Behaviorism and Social Learning Theory. Piaget's Cognitive-Developmental Theory.

Recent Theoretical Perspectives.

Information Processing. Ethology. Vygotsky's Sociocultural Theory. Ecological Systems Theory. New Theoretical Directions: Development as a Dynamic System.

Comparing Child Development Theories.

New Applied Directions: Child Development and Social Policy.

The Policy-Making Process. Progress in Meeting the Needs of American Children.

2.Research Strategies.

From Theory to Hypothesis.

Common Methods Used to Study Children.

Systematic Observation. Self-Reports: Interviews and Questionnaires. Psychophysiological Methods. The Clinical or Case Study Method. Methods for Studying Culture.

Reliability and Validity: Keys to Scientifically Sound Research.

Reliability. Validity.

General Research Designs.

Correlational Design. Experimental Design. Modified Experimental Designs.

Designs for Studying Development.

The Longitudinal Design. The Cross-Sectional Design. Improving Developmental Designs.

Ethics in Research on Children.


3.Biological Foundations, Prenatal Development, and Birth.

Genetic Foundations.

The Genetic Code. The Sex Cells. Multiple Offspring. Boy or Girl? Patterns of Genetic Inheritance. Chromosomal Abnormalities.

Reproductive Choices.

Genetic Counseling. Prenatal Diagnosis and Fetal Medicine.

Prenatal Development.

Conception. The Period of the Zygote. The Period of the Embryo. The Period of the Fetus.

Prenatal Environmental Influences.

Teratogens. Other Maternal Factors.


The Baby's Adaptation to Labor and Delivery. The Newborn Baby's Appearance. Assessing the Newborn's Physical Condition: The Apgar Scale.

Approaches to Childbirth.

Natural, or Prepared, Childbirth. Home Delivery. Labor and Delivery Medication.

Birth Complications.

Oxygen Deprivation. Preterm and Low-Birth-Weight Infants. Understanding Birth Complications.

Heredity, Environment, and Behavior: A Look Ahead.

The Question, "How Much?" The Question, "How?"

4.Infancy: Early Learning, Motor Skills, and Perceptual Capacities.

The Organized Newborn.

Newborn Reflexes. Newborn States. Neonatal Behavioral Assessment. Learning Capacities.

Motor Development in Infancy.

The Sequence of Motor Development. Motor Skills as Dynamic Systems. Fine Motor Development: Voluntary Reaching and Grasping.

Perceptual Development in Infancy.

Touch. Taste and Smell. Balance and Self-Movement. Hearing. Vision. Intermodal Perception. Understanding Perceptual Development.

Early Deprivation and Enrichment: Is Infancy a Sensitive Period of Development?

5.Physical Growth.

The Course of Physical Growth.

Changes in Body Size. Changes in Body Proportions. Changes in Body Composition. Changes in Gross Motor Skills. Skeletal Growth. Hormonal Influences on Physical Growth. Worldwide Variations in Body Size. Secular Trends. Asynchronies in Physical Growth.

Development of the Brain.

Development of Neurons. Development of the Cerebral Cortex. Other Advances in Brain Development. Brain Growth Spurts and Sensitive Periods of Development.

Factors Affecting Physical Growth.

Heredity. Nutrition. Infectious Disease. Emotional Well-Being.

Puberty: The Physical Transition to Adulthood.

Sexual Maturation in Girls. Sexual Maturation in Boys. Individual and Group Differences in Pubertal Growth.

The Psychological Impact of Pubertal Events.

Is Puberty an Inevitable Period of Storm and Stress? Reactions to Pubertal Changes. Pubertal Change, Emotion, and Social Behavior. Early versus Late Maturation.

Puberty and Adolescent Health.

Eating Disorders. Sexuality. Sexually Transmitted Disease. Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenthood. A Concluding Note.


6.Cognitive Development: Piagetian and Vygotskian Perspectives.

Piaget's Cognitive-Developmental Theory.

What Changes with Development. How Cognitive Change Takes Place.

The Sensorimotor Stage (Birth to 2 Years).

The Sensorimotor Substages. Recent Research on Sensorimotor Development. Evaluation of the Sensorimotor Stage.

The Preoperational Stage (2 to 7 Years).

Language and Thought. Make-Believe Play. Drawings. Spatial Symbols. Limitations of Preoperational Thought. Recent Research on Preoperational Thought.

The Concrete Operational Stage (7 to 11 Years).

Operational Thought. Limitations of Concrete Operational Thought. Recent Research on Concrete Operational Thought.

The Formal Operational Stage (11 Years and Older).

Hypothetico-Deductive Reasoning. Propositional Thought. Consequences of Abstract Thought. Recent Research on Formal Operational Thought.

Larger Questions about Piaget's Theory.

Issues of Clarity and Accuracy. Are There Stages of Cognitive Development?

Piaget and Education.

Vygotsky's Sociocultural Theory.

Private Speech. Social Origins of Cognitive Development. Vygotsky's View of Make-Believe Play.

Vygotsky and Education.

Reciprocal Teaching. Cooperative Learning. The Classroom as a Community of Learners.

Evaluation of Vygotsky's Theory.

7.Cognitive Development: An Information-Processing Perspective.

The Information-Processing Approach.

General Models of Information Processing.

The Store Model. The Levels-of-Processing Model. Implications for Development.

Developmental Theories of Information Processing.

Case's Neo-Piagetian Theory. Connectionism. Siegler's Model of Strategy Choice.

Attentional Processing.

Selectivity and Adaptability. Planning.

Working Memory.

Strategies for Storing Information. Cultural and Situational Influences on Memory Strategies.

Long-Term Memory.

Retrieval of Information. Knowledge and Memory Performance. Scripts: Basic Building Blocks of Structured Knowledge. Autobiographical Memory.


Metacognitive Knowledge. Self-Regulation.

Applications of Information Processing to Academic Learning.

Reading. Mathematics. Scientific Reasoning.

Evaluation of the Information-Processing Approach.


Definitions of Intelligence.

Alfred Binet: A Holistic View. The Factor Analysts: A Multifaceted View.

Recent Advances in Defining Intelligence.

Combining Psychometric and Information-Processing Approaches. Sternberg's Triarchic Theory. Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences.

Representative Intelligence Tests for Children.

The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children. Infant Intelligence Tests.

The Computation and Distribution of IQ Scores.

What and How Well Do Intelligence Tests Predict?

Stability of IQ Scores. IQ as a Predictor of Scholastic Performance. IQ as a Predictor of Occupational Attainment and Performance. IQ as a Predictor of Psychological Adjustment.

Ethnic and Socioeconomic Variations in IQ.

Differences in General Intelligence. Differences in Specific Mental Abilities.

Explaining Individual and Group Differences in IQ.

Genetic Influences. Are Ethnic Groups Biologically Based? Ethnicity and Test Bias. Reducing Test Bias. Home Environment and IQ.

Early Intervention and Intellectual Development.

Benefits of Early Intervention. Evaluations of Head Start. A Two-Generation Program Strategy. The Future of Early Intervention.

Development of Creativity.

The Psychometric View. A Multifaceted View.

9.Language Development.

Components of Language.

Theories of Language Development.

The Behaviorist Perspective. The Nativist Perspective. The Interactionist Perspective.

Prelinguistic Development: Getting Ready to Talk.

Receptivity to Language. First Speech Sounds. Becoming a Communicator.

Phonological Development.

The Early Phase. Appearance of Phonological Strategies. Later Phonological Development.

Semantic Development.

The Early Phase. Later Semantic Development. Ideas about How Semantic Development Takes Place.

Grammatical Development.

First Word Combinations. From Two-Word Utterances to Complex Speech. Development of Complex Grammatical Forms. Later Grammatical Development. Ideas about How Grammatical Development Takes Place.

Pragmatic Development.

Acquiring Conversational Skills. Learning to Communicate Clearly. Sociolinguistic Understanding.

Development of Metalinguistic Awareness.

Bilingualism: Learning Two Languages in Childhood.


10.Emotional Development.

The Functions of Emotions.

Emotions and Cognitive Processing. Emotions and Social Behavior. Emotions and Physical Health.

Development of Emotional Expression.

Happiness. Anger and Sadness. Fear. Self-Conscious Emotions. Emotional Self-Regulation. Acquiring Emotional Display Rules.

Understanding and Responding to the Emotions of Others.

Social Referencing. Emotional Understanding in Childhood. Empathy.

Temperament and Development.

The Structure of Temperament. Measuring Temperament. Stability of Temperament. Genetic and Environmental Influences. Temperament as a Predictor of Children's Behavior. Temperament and Child Rearing: The Goodness-of-Fit Model.

Development of Attachment.

Early Theories of Attachment. Bowlby's Ethological Theory. Measuring the Security of Attachment. Stability of Attachment. Cultural Variations. Factors That Affect Attachment Security. Multiple Attachments: The Father's Special Role. Attachment and Later Development.

Attachment and Social Change: Maternal Employment and Child Care.

11.Self and Social Understanding.

Thinking about the Self.

Self-Awareness. The Categorical and Remembered Selves. The Inner Self: Young Children's Theory of Mind. Self-Concept. Cognitive, Social, and Cultural Influences on Self-Concept. Self-Esteem: The Evaluative Side of Self-Concept. Influences on Self-Esteem. Achievement-Related Attributions. Constructing an Identity.

Thinking about Other People.

Understanding Intentions. Person Perception. Perspective Taking.

Thinking about Relations between People.

Understanding Friendship. Understanding Conflict: Social Problem Solving.

12.Moral Development.

Morality as Rooted in Human Nature.

Morality as the Adoption of Societal Norms.

Psychoanalytic Theory. Social Learning Theory. Limitations of "Morality as the Adoption of Societal Norms" Perspective.

Morality as Social Understanding.

Piaget's Theory of Moral Development. Evaluation of Piaget's Theory. Kohlberg's Extension of Piaget's Theory. Research on Kohlberg's Stages. Environmental Influences on Moral Reasoning. Are There Sex-Related Differences in Moral Reasoning? Moral Reasoning and Behavior. Further Questions about Kohlberg's Theory.

Moral Reasoning of Young Children.

Distinguishing Moral, Social-Conventional, and Personal Domains. Distributive Justice. Prosocial Moral Reasoning.

Development of Self-Control.

Beginnings of Self-Control. Development of Self-Control in Childhood and Adolescence.

The Other Side of Self-Control: Development of Aggression.

Emergence of Aggression. Aggression in Early and Middle Childhood. Aggression and Delinquency in Adolescence. Stability of Aggression. The Family as Training Ground for Aggressive Behavior. Social-Cognitive Deficits and Distortions. Community and Cultural Influences. Helping Children and Parents Control Aggression.

13.Development of Sex-Related Differences and Gender Roles.

Gender Stereotypes and Gender Roles.

Gender Stereotyping in Early Childhood. Gender Stereotyping in Middle Childhood and Adolescence. Individual, Sex-Related, and Ethnic Differences in Gender Stereotyping. Gender Stereotyping and Gender-Role Adoption.

Influences on Gender Stereotyping and Gender-Role Adoption.

The Case for Biology. The Case for Environment.

Gender Identity.

Emergence of Gender Identity. Gender Identity During Middle Childhood. Gender Identity During Adolescence. Individual Differences. Gender Schema Theory.

To What Extent Do Boys and Girls Really Differ in Gender-Stereotyped Attributes?

Mental Abilities. Personality Traits.

Developing Non-Gender-Stereotyped Children.


14.The Family.

Evolutionary Origins.

Functions of the Family.

The Family as a Social System.

Direct Influences. Indirect Influences. Adapting to Change. The Family System in Context.

Socialization within the Family.

Styles of Child Rearing. What Makes the Authoritative Style Effective? Adapting Child Rearing to Children's Development. Socioeconomic and Ethnic Variations in Child Rearing.

Family Lifestyles and Transitions.

From Large to Small Families. One-Child Families. Adoptive Families. Gay and Lesbian Families. Never-Married Single-Parent Families. Divorce. Blended Families. Maternal Employment and Dual-Earner Families. Child Care. Self-Care.

Vulnerable Families: Child Maltreatment.

Incidence and Definitions. Origins of Child Maltreatment. Consequences of Child Maltreatment. Preventing Child Maltreatment.

15.Peers, Media, and Schooling.

The Importance of Peer Relations.

Development of Peer Sociability.

Infant and Toddler Beginnings. The Preschool Years. Middle Childhood and Adolescence.

Influences on Peer Sociability.

Parental Encouragement. Play Materials. Age Mix of Children. Cultural Values.

Peer Acceptance.

Origins of Acceptance in the Peer Situation. Helping Rejected Children.

Peer Groups.

Peer Group Formation. Group Norms. Group Social Structures.

Peer Relations and Socialization.

Peer Reinforcement and Modeling. Peer Conformity.


How Much Television Do Children View? Development of Television Literacy. Television and Social Learning. Television, Academic Learning, and Imagination. Improving Children's Television.


Computers in Classrooms. Home Computers.


Class and Student Body Size. Educational Philosophies. School Transitions. Teacher-Pupil Interaction. Grouping Practices. Teaching Pupils with Special Needs. Parent-School Partnerships.

How Well Educated Are American Young People?

Cross-National Research on Academic Achievement. Making the Transition from School to Work.

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Child Development: International Edition by Laura E. Berk
Used - Very Good
Pearson Education (US)
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