My research focuses on the three complementary agendas within the field of Teacher Education: Mentoring and mentored learning, second language teacher learning and curriculum development. These agendas address the call for producing systematic research in the area of teacher education to inform theory, design, and implementation of educational reform and curricular innovation. In the area of mentoring, I have endeavored to conceptualize the passage from teaching to mentoring as a manifestation of the acquisition of professional expertise, as it relates to knowledge development, beliefs, morality, pedagogy, exemplary practice, and contextual and discursive aspects of professional practice . In the area of second language teacher learning, I have focused on aspects of the process of learning to teach a foreign language as related to the development of content knowledge, pedagogical beliefs and knowledge, and pedagogical content knowledge . In the area of curriculum development, I have investigated the impact of educational interventions and new English curricula on English teachers and mentors' pedagogical content knowledge development. I have also studied the impact of innovative curricular methodologies on graduate students' learning in the context of Higher Education .
My work as educational researcher in the above fields has contributed to the design of curriculum innovations in the area of mentoring and teacher education in Israel and abroad.