1. Introduction.
The Circumstances of Justice.
Justice and Moral Philosophy.
Formal and Material Principles of Justice.
Is Justice Comparative or Noncomparative?
Law, Justice, and Equity.
Democracy, Capitalism, and Distributive Justice.
Status Disequilibrium.
2. The Classical Theory of Justice as Desert.
The Classical Concept of Justice as Desert.
Natural and Institutional Desert.
The Bases for Desert.
Merit and Desert.
The Symmetry Argument.
Objections to Desert-Based Justice.
3. The Libertarian Theory of Justice: Robert Nozick.
Classical Liberalism and Justice: Rights and the Justification
of Property.
Robert Nozick's Libertarian Theory.
A Critical Assessment of Libertarianism.
Liberty and the Tragedy of the Commons.
4. The Liberal Theory of Justice: John Rawls.
John Rawls's Theory of Justice as Fairness.
The Principles.
An Assessment of Rawls's Theory of Justice as Fairness.
On Rawls's Rejection of Preinstitutional Desert.
A Reconciling Egalitarianism.
5. Complex Justice.
Nine Spheres of Justice.
6. Equal Opportunity.
The Ideal of Equal Opportunity.
The Concept of Equal Opportunity.
Types of Equal Opportunity.
Arguments for Equal Opportunity.
7. Global Justice.
Introduction: Global Disparities.
Theories of Obligation to Distant People.
Justice: Theories of Rights and Duties.
Universal Duties of Justice.
Cosmopolitan Vision.
The Cosmopolitan-Justice Imperative: The Possibility
of World Government.
8. Justice and Punishment.
Why Do We Have a System of Punishment?
The Definition of Punishment.
Theories of Punishment.
Desert and Retributive Justice.
Rehabilitative Theories.
Application to the Death Penalty.
For Further Reading.