Introduction 1. Behavioural Finance and Markets, Gur Huberman 2. A Non-Expected Glance at Markets: Financial Models and Knightian Uncertainty, Marcello Basili and Fulvio Fontini 3. On The Existence of a 'complete' Possibility, Adam Brandenburger 4. Correlated Communication, Nicola Dimitri 5. A Survey of Rule Learning in Normal-Form Games, Dale Stahl 6. Framing and Cognition in Economics: The Bad News and the Good, Michael Bacharach 7. Language and Economics, Barton Lipman 8. Learning from Cases: A Unified Framework, Itzhak Gilboa and David Schmeidler 9. Some Elements of the Study of Language as a Cognitive Capacity, Luigi Rizzi 10. Rationality and Freedom, Patrick Suppes 11. For a 'Cognitive Program', Explicit Mental Representations for Homo Oeconomicus (The Case of Trust), Cristiano Castelfranchi 12. The Structured Event Complex and the Human Prefrontal Cortex: The Economic Brain, Jordan Grafman