LORDS OF CREATION by Margaret Cook
Margaret Cook had first-hand experience of how power affects a man's behaviour - specifically sexual behaviour - when her high-profile husband, then Foreign Secretary, left her publicly for his secretary. In this controversial book, she explores the remarkable stereotypical behavioural patterns of men (and women) who get in to power: egocentrism, autocracy and potentially tyranny. The behaviour of a broad spectrum of men is scrutinised here - including Oliver Cromwell, Pope Alexander VI, Napoleon, William Gladstone, Benjamin Disraeli, Abraham Lincoln, Josif Stalin, Mao Zedong, Adolf Hitler, Winston Churchill, Richard Nixon, the Kennedys, Bill Clinton and Tony Blair. The author then goes on to discuss how much of this behaviour is inherited and how much is due to nurture. This controversial book uncovers fascinating and sometimes shocking truths about the nature of power, sexuality and government.