Being a person of good character, as well as the teacher serving as an important role model in that regard, is the underlining theme of this How-to-book. Dr. Schiering clearly outlines the steps one needs to take to establish a highly effective Character Education program in the classroom, a school-wide program, or workplace. In her guide she offers concrete step-by-step procedures for leading training workshops to accomplish this goal. She begins by explaining how to build self-acceptance and respect for others and then offers many specific activities to promote a caring, fair, and responsible person who becomes a good citizen. The book is also filled with anecdotes to further help the reader toward a better understanding of the ideas presented by the author. With an emphasis on creating more caring, responsible and fair-minded citizens, one cannot deny the timeliness of this book. -- Marie Calder, Alfred University, Downstate Coordinator Graduate Literacy Program
It appears that we are currently living in a society that is mean spirited, negative in tone, and often downright nasty. Is this the kind of society we want our children to learn and imitate? I think not! How then, can we educate our youth and adults to achieve a more positive environment where people are respectful, kind, fair and honest? Where we treat people with respect and dignity? I have read a book that has numerous solutions and answers for all of us in this journey we must take if we are to ever establish a society where kindness exists. Dr. Marjorie Schiering has written a book that can assist us as parents, teachers, and friends in combating the negative characteristics that we see and hear each day in our societies. Dr. Schiering's book on character education and development can and will instruct and inform the reader with detailed lessons, activities and inspirational anecdotes that can be utilized in developing positive character traits in your children as well as in adults of our communities. As a parent, grandparent, former teacher, school principal, ELA Professor and present field placement supervisor in Molloy College's Division of Education, I found many useful activities and stories to relate to students, friends, and children and my grandchildren to enlighten them as to the way people in our society should behave. You can generate discussions and family or classroom activities which will be excellent for assisting along this important journey to civility. Time is not on our side. We must be vigilant in our personal lives in demonstrating our positive character traits which our society has always valued. -- Barbara Hayes, EdD, Molloy College, former dean of undergraduate education studies and present field supervisor
This is a well-timed book on civility from which all can benefit, especially in this current social and cultural climate. Schiering presents complex material in an easy, digestible way and offers humorous and insightful examples as well as thought-provoking exercises to stimulate self-awareness and critical thinking. Any reader is sure to apply the concepts towards a deeper self-understanding and inner peace -and most importantly a sense of what's right with me! -- Amy Meyers, PhD, LCSW, Assistant Professor, Director of Field Education, Social Work Department, Molloy College
I have had the privilege of working with Dr. Schiering for the past twelve years at Molloy College. Over the course of these twelve years, we have collaborated on several SAVE classes, constantly researching new and dynamic ways to best equip new teachers with the necessary tools to reach their students in an ever-changing educational landscape. Her newest work is an invaluable tool for educators at all levels! It provides practical, time-tested strategies and informative anecdotes to help teachers create a safe learning environment for all students. As Dr. Schiering has said before, the job of a teacher is not just to teach content, but to teach character. Her book helps teachers do just that. -- Timothy Ryley, MS, Adjunct Professor: English Department at Molloy College; Baldwin High School English teacher