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Anthology of Scores Volume I for History of Music in Western Culture Mark Evan Bonds, PhD

Anthology of Scores Volume I for History of Music in Western Culture By Mark Evan Bonds, PhD

Anthology of Scores Volume I for History of Music in Western Culture by Mark Evan Bonds, PhD

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Anthology of Scores Volume I for History of Music in Western Culture Summary

Anthology of Scores Volume I for History of Music in Western Culture by Mark Evan Bonds, PhD

Anthology of Scores - The text, A History of Music in Western Culture, 4th edition by Mark Evan Bonds, builds its narrative around the two-volume Anthology of Scores and a corresponding set of compact discs. Icons in the margin of the text cross-reference the scores and recordings of discussions in the Anthology.

  • The works in the Anthology of Scores to A History of Music in Western Culture have been carefully selected to represent the developments in music history discussed in the text.
    • Volume I covers antiquity through the Baroque era;
    • Volume II covers music of the Classical era to the present. Key features of the Score Anthology include
  • Integrated commentary - Excerpts from the text are integrated into the score anthology at the end of each selection, providing students with basic information and a brief discussion of every work.
  • Cross-referencing to text and recordings - Each selection in the anthology opens with a clear cross-reference to the recorded version of the work (disc and track number) and to the discussion of the work within the text (page number). The score and recordings in the anthology correspond exactly within their chronological span (Volume One of each through the Baroque era; Volume Two of each since the Classical era).

Table of Contents


1 Epitaph of Seikilos (1st century C.E.)

2 Plainchant Mass for Christmas Day

a) Introit (Propers)

b) Kyrie (Ordinary)

c) Gloria (Ordinary)

d) Gradual (Propers)

e) Alleluia (Propers)

f) Credo (Ordinary)

g) Offertory (Propers)

h) Sanctus (Ordinary)

i) Agnus Dei (Ordinary)

j) Communion (Propers)

3 Plainchant Vespers on Pentecost Tuesday

a) Antiphon Pacem relinquo vobis

b) Psalm 116 Laudate Dominum

4 Plainchant Hymn Pange lingua gloriosi corporis mysterium (late 13th century)

5 Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179):Ordo virtutum(excerpt) (ca. 1150)

6 Beatriz de Dia(d. ca.1212): A chantar (early 13th century)

7 Peire Vidal(fl. 1180-1205): Baros, de mon dan covit (ca. 1200)

8 Alfonso el Sabio (?) (1221-84): Cantigas de Santa Maria, no. 140: A Santa Maria dadas (ca. 1270-1290)

9 Walther von der Vogelweide(ca. 1170-1230): Pal (TM)stinalied (ca. 1200)

10 Melismatic organum Kyrie Cunctipotens genitor deus (ca. 1120-1130)

11 Leonin (?) (fl. mid- to late 12th century): Two-Voice Organum Viderunt omnes (mid- to late 12th century)

12 Perotin (fl. late 12th century): Four-voice Organum Viderunt omnes (late 12th century)

13 Two-voice Clausula on "Dominus" (late 12th century?)

14 Motet Factum est salutare/Dominus (13th century)

15 Motet Super te / Sed fulsit / Dominus (4 vv.) (13th century)

16 Motet A Paris / On parole / Frese nouvele (late 13th century)

17 Conductus Flos ut rosa floruit (second half of 13th century)

18 Philippe de Vitry (?) (1291-1361):Motet Garrit Gallus / In nova fert / Neuma (ca. 1315)

19 Guillaume de Machaut(ca. 1300-1377): Messe de Nostre Dame: Kyrie (ca. 1360)

20 Guillaume de Machaut: Ballade Je puis trop bien ma dame comparer (ca. 1350?)

21 Guillaume de Machaut: VirelaiDouce dame jolie (ca. 1330-1350?)

22 Guillaume de Machaut: RondeauMa fin est mon commencement (ca. 1350-1360?)

23 Solage (fl. late 14th century): Virelai Joieux de cuer (late 14th century)

24 Francesco Landini (ca. 1325-1397): Ballata Ecco la primavera (second half of 14th century)

25 Jacopo da Bologna(fl. 1340-1360): Madrigal Non al suo amante (ca. 1340-1360)

26 Lorenzo da Firenze(d. 1372 or 1373): Caccia A poste messe (ca. 1350-1372)

27 Johannes Ciconia(ca. 1370-1412): Motet Doctorum principem / Melodia suavissima / Vir mitis (ca. 1410)

28 Canon Sumer is icumen in (ca. 1250)

29 Song Edi be thu, heven-queene (late 13th century)

30 La quinte estampie real (second half of 13th century)


31 John Dunstable(ca. 1390-1453): Motet Quam pulchra es (ca. 1410-1430)

32 Guillaume Du Fay(1397-1474): Conditor alme siderum (ca. 1430?)

33 Guillaume Du Fay: MotetNuper rosarum flores (1436)

34 Josquin des Prez(ca. 1450-1521): Motet Ave Maria . . . virgo serena (ca. 1475-1485?)

35 Guillaume Du Fay:Chanson Se la face ay pale (ca. 1435)

36 Guillaume Du Fay: Missa Se la face ay pale: Gloria (ca. 1450)

37 Johannes Ockeghem(ca. 1420-1496): Missa prolationum: Kyrie (last quarter of 15th century)

38 Ser Felice(?) or Antoine Busnois(?) (ca. 1430-1492): Chanson Fortuna desperata (ca. 1473-1478)

39 Josquin des Prez:Missa Fortuna desperata: Kyrie and Agnus Dei (ca. 1500?)

40 Josquin des Prez:Missa Pange lingua: Kyrie (ca. 1513-1521)

41 Josquin des Prez (?) or Pierre de la Rue (?) (ca. 1452-1518): Motet Absalon, fili mi (ca. 1510?)

42 Guillaume Du Fay: Chanson Adieu ces bons vins de Lannoys (ca. 1425-ca. 1450)

43 Antoine Busnoys: ChansonJe ne puis vivre ainsy(ca. 1470)

44 Henricus Isaac (ca. 1450-1517): Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen (ca. 1530)

45 Marchetto Cara(ca. 1470-1525): Hor venduto ho la speranza (ca. 1500-1504)

46 Josquin des Prez (?): El grillo (ca. 1500-1505)

47 Claudin de Sermisy (ca. 1490-1562): Chanson Tant que vivray (ca. 1520-1528)

48 Jacob Arcadelt(ca. 1505-1568): Madrigal Il bianco e dolce cigno (ca. 1535-1539)

49 Cipriano de Rore(1516-1565): Madrigal Da le belle contrade d'oriente (1566)

50 Maddalena Casulana(ca. 1544-after 1583): Madrigal Morir non puo il mio cuore (1566)

51 Luca Marenzio (1553 or 1554-1599): Madrigal Solo e pensoso (ca. 1595-1599)

52 Luzzasco Luzzaschi(1545-1607): Madrigal T'amo mia vita (ca. 1590?)

53 Orlande de Lassus (1530 or 1532-1594): Matona mia cara (ca. 1575-1581)

54 Ludwig Senfl(ca. 1486-1542 or 1543): Zwischen Berg und tiefem Tal (ca. 1530-1534)

55 Luis Milan(ca. 1500-after 1561): Al amor quiero vencer (1536)

56 Thomas Morley (1557-1602): Madrigal Now Is the Month of Maying (ca. 1595)

57 John Farmer(ca. 1570-1605): Madrigal Fair Phyllis I Saw Sitting All Alone (1599)

58 John Dowland(1563-1626): Lute Song Come,Heavy Sleep (ca. 1590-1597)

59 Thomas Tallis(1505-1585): Anthem Verily,Verily I Say Unto You (ca. 1580?)

60 William Byrd(ca. 1540-1623): Anthem Sing Joyfully Unto God (ca. 1590-1623)

61 Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina(1525 or 1526-1594): Missa Papae Marcelli: Credo (ca. 1565-1567)

62 Orlande de Lassus:Motet Cum essem parvulus (ca. 1579)

63 Orlande de Lassus: Prophetiae Sibyllarum: Prologue (ca. 1550-1552)

64 Antonio de Cabezon(1510-1566): Diferencias sobre el canto de la Dama le demanda (ca. 1540-1566?)

65 Vincenzo Capirola (1474-after 1548): Recercar quinto (ca. 1517)

66 Andrea Gabrieli (1532 or 1533-1585): Ricercar del duodecimo tuono (ca. 1589)

67 William Byrd:Pavana,The Earle of Salisbury (1613)

68 Michael Praetorius(1571-1621): Dances from Terpsichore (ca. 1595-1621)


69 Giacopo Peri(1561-1633): Dunque fra torbid' onde from Il Canto d'Arione (1589)

70 Giulio Caccini(1545-1618): Sfogava con le stelle (1602)

71 Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643): Madrigal Cruda Amarilli (ca. 1598-1605)

72 Monteverdi: Madrigal T'amo mia vita (ca. 1598-1605)

73 Monteverdi:Madrigal Zefiro torna e di soavi accenti (ca. 1630)

74 Francesca Caccini (1587-ca. 1640): Lasciatemi qui solo (1618)

75 Barbara Strozzi(1619-1677): Tradimento! (1659)

76 Etienne Moulinie (ca. 1600-after 1669): Enfin la beaute que j'adore (1624)

77 Monteverdi: OperaL'Orfeo, Act II, excerpt (1607)

78 Monteverdi: Opera L'incoronazione di Poppea, Act I, Scene 3

79 Heinrich Schutz(1585-1672): Singet dem Herren ein neues Lied, SWV 342 (1647)

80 Schutz:Motet Saul, was verfolgst du mich? SWV 415 (1650)

81 Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687): Opera Armide, Overture and Act II, Scene 5 (1686)

82 George Frideric Handel (1685-1759): Opera Giulio Cesare, Act I, Scenes 5-7 (1724)

83 Henry Purcell(1659-1695): Opera Dido and Aeneas, Act I (excerpt) (1689)

84 John Gay(1685-1732) and Johann Christoph Pepusch(1667-1752): The Beggar's Opera (excerpts) (1728)

85 Giacomo Carissimi(1605-1674): Jephte (excerpt) (ca. 1645-1649)

86 Handel: Anthem Zadok the Priest (1727)

87 Elisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre(1665-1729): "Le coup est acheve" from Judith(1708)

88 Johann Sebastian Bach(1685-1750): Cantata Jesu, der du meine Seele, BWV 78 (excerpts) (1724)

89 Isabella Leonarda(1620-1704): Sonata duodecima (1693)

90 Arcangelo Corelli(1653-1713): Concerto grosso in F Major, Op. 6, No. 2 (ca. 1685?)

91 Antonio Vivaldi(1678-1741): Concerto in A minor, Op. 3, No. 8, first movement (1711)

92Francois Couperin(1668-1733): Pieces de clavecin, Book I, Second ordre (excerpts) (1713)

93Jean-Fery Rebel(1661-1747): "Le cahos" from Les elemens: (1737)

94 Girolamo Frescobaldi(1583-1643): Toccata IX from Il Secondo Libro di Toccate (1627)

95 Dietrich Buxtehude(1637-1707): Praeludium in G minor, BuxWV 149 (ca. 1675-1689)

96 J. S. Bach: The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I (excerpts) (1722)

97 Johann Pachelbel(1652-1706): Chorale prelude on the Magnificat peregrini toni (late 17th century)

98 J. S. Bach: Chorale prelude on Meine Seele erhebt den Herren' BWV 648 (1748)

99 J. S. Bach:Aria mit dreissig Ver (TM)nderungen, BWV 988 ("Goldberg" Variations) (excerpts) (1742)

Additional information

Anthology of Scores Volume I for History of Music in Western Culture by Mark Evan Bonds, PhD
Used - Good
Pearson Education (US)
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