Mastering Your Fears and Phobias: Workbook by Martin M. Antony (Professor, Professor, Department of Psychology, Ryerson University, Toronto, and Director of Research, Anxiety Treatment and Research Center, St. Joseph's Healthcare, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada)
Do you have an excessive and unrealistic fear of animals, insects, the dark, water, heights, flying, closed-in places, blood, needles, or another specific object or situation? If so, the program outlined in this book may work for you. Conquer your fears or phobias in as little as a few weeks with the proven strategies outlined in this Workbook. Change your negative thoughts and use exposure exercises to confront and overcome your feared object or situation. Track your progress by completing user-friendly monitoring forms and learn techniques for dealing with physical sensations of fear. Written by renowned researchers, this program has proven to be the most effective treatment for specific phobias of everything from spiders to driving to dentists. Increase your quality of life and experience the freedom to do the things you've previously avoided with this comprehensive and successful evidence-based treatment program.