Structural Marxism, Louis Althusser; labelling theory, Howard Becker; post-industrial society, Daniel Bell; linguistic codes, Basil Bernstein; deskilling, Harry Braverman; collective consumption, Manuel Castells; positivism, Auguste Comte; conflict theory, Ralf Dahrendorf; anomie social solidarity, Emile Durkheim; historical materialism, Friedrich Engels; gender patriarchy; feminism; dependency theory, Frank Andre Gunder ; critical theory, Frankfurt school; ethnomethodology, Harold Garfinkel; stigma, Erving Goffman; embourgeoisement, John Goldthorpe ; hegemony, Antonio Gramsci; legitimation crisis, Jurgen Habermas; phenomenology, Edmund Husserl and Alfred Schtuz; deschooling, Ivan Illich; convergence thesis, Clark Kerr; paradigms, Thomas S.Kuhn; culture of poverty, Oscar Lewis; ideology, Karl Mannheim; alienation, Karl Marx; human relations, Elton Mayo; symbolic interactionism, Herbert George Mead; sociology of science, Robert K.Merton; iron law of oligarchy, Robert Michels; power elite, Mills C.Wright; urban managerialism corporatism, Raymond E.Pahl and Jack Winkler; elite theory, Vilfredo Pareto and Gaetano Mosca; human ecology, Robert Ezra Park; structural functionalism, Talcott Parsons; falsification, Karl Popper; relative autonomy, Nicos Poulantzas; housing classes, John Rex and Robert Moore; self-fulfilling prophecy, Robert Rosenthal and Leone Jacobson; modernisation theory, Walt Whitman Rostow; formal sociology, Georg Simmel; social Darwinism, Herbert Spencer; scientific management, Frederick Winslow Taylor; gemeinschaft-gesellschaft, Ferdinand Tonnies; bureaucracy Protestant ethic, Max Weber; urbanism, Louis Wirth; secularisation, Bryan Wilson.