From World Mission - BMS July/August 2005 A-cross the World as the title cleverly suggests is a children's work resource which explores the way the central symbol of the church has been illustrated and interpreted a-cross the world. Here is a collection of 40 crosses, from different countries, each with its own understanding and interpretation of the Christian faith. The book is divided into two sections, the first giving us the background for each cross. They are well illustrated (with photocopy permission given), and linked to a particular Bible story. We are also given the background behind each cross and details about the life of the Church in that part of the world. The book has been divided to represent six different regions: Africa, Middle East, Asia, Australasia, the Americas and Europe. Another useful bonus is that all of the crosses are available as colour illustrations on the BRF website, and can be downloaded to use in presentations. Section two contains teaching materials for leaders and teachers so that a programme can be built around the different crosses. As with most BRF children's material, it has been designed in a way which makes it relevant for school and church use. For churches there is a holiday club outline programme, several Sunday school or children's club outlines, with ideas for all-age worship, discussion starters and craft ideas for producing the different crosses. Although the idea of producing 40 crosses as a craft project sounds very mundane, they have succeeded in coming up with a wide range of mediums including clay, straw, metal, fabric, wood, paper and card. For school use the material has been divided into key stages 1 and 2, with plenty of ideas for collective worship. Within this section there is a wealth of ideas including icebreakers, games, prayers, poems, quotations, craft ideas, stories and references. I believe this resource is a useful reference and practical ideas book for those who work with children in school or church. Reviewed by Aled Davies, Baptist minister in North west Wales and Director of the Council for Sunday School and Christian education in Wales.
From: Morovian Church Youth & Children's Newsletter Spring 2005 Most people recognise the cross as symbolic of Christians - but have you ever thought about how many variations there are on the theme? In this book you will find forty different representations of the cross - from African and Anchor to Taize and triparted - as well as a huge range of activities, crafts, worship ideas and games that could be used in churches, with after school groups or in holiday clubs. Why look at these crosses? Because they reflect the many different cultures where Jesus is worshipped and give some idea of the range and breadth of Christian symbolism around the world. The book is clearly illustrated, has masses of material and would be brilliant as the basis of a holiday club for 5-11 year olds.
From: Magnet} Spring 2005 This very attractive, well produced book will be of interest to adults and children alike. It tells the stories behind forty crosses from a wide variety of cultures and Christian. traditions and encourages discussion as to why this symbol of the crucifixion of Jesus continues to have such a worldwide influence. There are plenty of craft ideas which are easy to follow, with suggestions for use in schools and churches.