The Enabling Manager: How to get the best out of your team by Myles Downey
A practical, modern book for managers and leaders who need to know how to get the best from their teams in a 21st century business world. The world of work and the needs of people in the workplace have changed to the extent that the old models no longer work. Today's manager cannot rely on 'command-and-control' and a culture of compliance to get their job done. What is the answer? Much of what Millennials are asking for - development and growth; transparency and connection; work that has meaning and purpose; empowerment - a change in leadership style, that is fitting to today's business environment; that seeks to align rather than control, to enable rather than constrain, to coach rather than command. Leading business coach Myles Downey applies the concept of coaching to modern- day management, showing managers how to motivate and enable teams and team members to achieve their goals.