The Genesis of South Asian Nuclear Deterrence: Pakistan's Perspective by Naeem Salik
This book is an attempt to provide a complete picture of the dynamics of South Asian nuclearization. It covers the historic evolution of the technological developments of the Indian and Pakistani programmes and the nuances of their respective policies towards the international non-proliferation regime. It also covers the post May 1998 developments in the two countries with respect to development and articulation of their nuclear doctrines, setting up of command and control systems and the creeping operationalization of their nuclear capabilities. It provides an overview of the rapidly developing nuclear delivery systems in India and Pakistan as well as their efforts at stabilizing the nuclear environment by agreeing on some significant nuclear and missiles related Confidence Building Measures. Given the controversies, myths and misperceptions surrounding the AQ Khan network the book attempts to provide a realistic and balanced view of the episode It also addresses issues related to international concerns about safety and security of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal.