Series Foreword ix
Preface to the Third Edition xi
1 The Earth within the Solar System 1
1.1 The Sun and its constancy 1
1.2 Orbital variations in solar radiation 4
1.3 Radiative equilibrium temperature 8
1.4 Thermal inertia of the atmosphere 10
1.5 Albedo 14
1.6 The topography of the Earths surface 18
2 Composition and Physical Properties of the Ocean and Atmosphere 25
2.1 Evolution of the atmosphere and ocean 25
2.2 Present-day composition of sea water 29
2.3 Introduction to gases and liquids 31
2.4 Hydrostatic equilibrium 39
2.5 Adiabatic changes and potential temperature 41
2.6 Vertical stability of the ocean and atmosphere 46
3 Radiation, Temperature and Stability 53
3.1 Vertical variation of atmospheric constituents 53
3.2 The attenuation of solar radiation 58
3.3 Absorption of planetary radiation 65
3.4 Vertical temperature profile and its relation to radiation 67
3.5 The absorption of solar radiation in the ocean 75
3.6 Diurnal and seasonal temperature cycles in the ocean 78
4 Water in the Atmosphere 83
4.1 Introduction 83
4.2 The moist atmosphere 84
4.3 Measurement and observation of water vapour 86
4.4 Stability in a moist atmosphere 88
4.5 Processes of precipitation and evaporation:
The formation of clouds 94
4.6 Macroscopic processes in cloud formation 106
5 Global Budgets of Heat, Water and Salt 111
5.1 The measurement of heat budgets at the surface 111
5.2 Observations of surface heat fluxes and budgets 117
5.3 The measurement of the water budget 126
5.4 Observations of the water budget 127
5.5 The salt budget of the ocean 131
5.6 Temperature and salinity relationships in the ocean 134
5.7 Tracers in the ocean 141
6 Observations of Winds and Currents 147
6.1 Measurement of winds and currents 147
6.2 Scales of motion in the atmosphere and ocean 159
6.3 Time averaged circulation 164
6.4 Time-dependent motion 175
7 The Influence of the Earths Rotation on Fluid Motion 181
7.1 An introduction to the Earths rotation 181
7.2 Inertial motion 184
7.3 Pressure gradients and geostrophic motion 187
7.4 Vorticity and circulation 197
7.5 The atmosphere and ocean boundary layers 206
7.6 Equatorial winds and currents 210
8 Waves and Tides 219
8.1 The spectrum of surface waves 219
8.2 Wind waves and swell 223
8.3 Long waves 230
8.4 Internal waves 234
8.5 Ocean tides 237
8.6 Storm surges 244
8.7 Atmospheric waves and tides 249
9 Energy Transfer in the Ocean-Atmosphere System 253
9.1 Modes of energy in the oceanatmosphere system 253
9.2 The kinetic energy of the atmosphere and ocean 259
9.3 Mechanisms of kinetic energy transfer 262
9.4 General circulation of the atmosphere 271
9.5 General circulation of the ocean 277
10 Mathematical Modelling of the Ocean and Atmosphere 283
10.1 Introduction 283
10.2 Scientific modelling: A simple model of the surface layer of the ocean 284
10.3 A dynamical model of the ocean surface layer 288
10.4 Numerical solutions of mathematical models 291
10.5 Numerical solutions for momentum on a rotating Earth 293
10.6 Atmospheric and climate general circulation models 295
10.7 Global ocean models 301
10.8 Observations of the ocean and atmosphere 305
11 Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction 315
11.1 Air-sea interaction: An introduction 315
11.2 Seasonal anomalies of the ocean-land-atmosphere system 322
11.3 Interannual fluctuations in the ocean-atmosphere system 326
11.4 Decadal variations in the ocean-atmosphere system 332
12 Climate Change 337
12.1 Past climate observations 337
12.2 Mechanisms of climate change 341
12.3 Current climate change 346
12.4 Understanding recent climate change 350
12.5 Predicting future climate 351
Problems 353
Glossary 369
General Reading 377
Further Reading and References 379
Figure Sources 385
A Standard International (SI) Units 391
B SI Unit Prefixes 391
Index 393