...a creation by a Belgian-Dutch coalition with a multi-disciplinary approach to soils. This is an unshamed attempt to consider all the components of applied soil science. It works because the editors have genuinely integrated the content of each chapter and then weaved the material into a coherent text...All researchers in soil science will find much value in this book and I would urge those at the periphery of traditional soil science departments to acquire copies. It was only on reflecting on the title that I recognized that it had dual meaning. First, the book enforces the role of soil as a multi-media (biotic and abiotic) compartment, hence vital soil. Second, the book examines the vital components in developing an understanding of soil. The diagrams and tables facilitate a new interpretation beyond those found in standard texts. This book presents a new integrated approach to soil science through a well structured, critical and easy to follow approach. --Graeme I. Paton, in SOIL USE AND MANAGEMENT ...the authors have presented a strong foundation of issues relevant for protection of soils around the world...there is a rich reference list at the end of most chapters that will be a great resource...an informative reference piece especially for Europeans, but also for scientists from other parts of the world searching for a framework and diverse examples to describe soil responses to man-induced disturbances. --A.J. Franzluebbers, USA- Agricultural Research Service, Watkinsville, Georgia, U.S.A., in AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS Viewed in its entirety, this book is a most thought-provoking and useful synthesis of the 'state of the art' of soils as inherently vital entities, where the basic and applied aspects of soil science interact repeatedly to the wonderment and delight of environmental scientists and practitioners worldwide. The book is a 'must read' for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in soil ecology and management and researchers in all fields related to soil processes. --David C. Coleman, Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Ecology Annex, Athens, USA The aim of the book is to contribute to soil protection policy and practice in context of scientific knowledge. This comprehensive and challenging task has been achieVed...the subject complexity has been well handled overall, and as such the book should be a valuable source of information for scientists, ecologists, soil managers and legislators. --Maja Krzic, University of British Columbia, for AGRICULTURE, ECOSYSTEMS AND ENVIRONMENT, 2005