Praise for the First Edition
Paul MacRae's Business and Professional Writing delivers on its promise to provide a basic bread-and- butter guide to workplace writing. Whereas other books combine practical writing instruction with communication theory, MacRae's background as a journalist comes through in his concise approach: he hones in on the core genres and skills that all professional writers must develop as part of their writing repertoires. This book practices what it teaches. Concepts are explained and illustrated clearly and efficiently. The strong section on grammar clearly explains the basics that need to be in every professional writer's toolkit. The book's brevity, conciseness, and to-the-point approach make it a practical, accessible textbook that would be a great resource for any student. - Kelly Belanger, Virginia Tech
Business and Professional Writing provides a solid overview of key topics related to business communication. Clear, concise chapters teach students about plain language, format, and grammar, and highlight the most common forms of business communication such as letters and memos. What makes this book stand out from the competition is its focus on news releases, brochures, and promotion on the web. Detailed instructions on how to construct an effective brochure are especially helpful to students who often struggle with this format. - Precious McKenzie, Rocky Mountain College