1. Dynamics of Sociality:Michael E. Bratman.
2. Collective Responsibility and an Agent Meaning Theory:Michael McKenna.
3. Joint Intention, We-Mode and I-Mode:Raimo Tuomela.
4. Collective Moral Responsibility and Collective Intention:Tracy Isaacs.
5. Holding Them Responsible: Paul Sheehy.
6. Who's to Blame? Collective Moral Responsibility and Its Implications for Group Members: Margaret Gilbert.
7. Shared Intentions and Shared Responsibility: Brook Jenkins Sadler.
8. Collective Guilt; Individual Shame: Peter Forrest.
9. Collective Responsibility for Historic Injustices: Janna Thompson.
10. Collective Responsibility and Qualifying Actions:Gregory Mellema.
11. Collective Moral Responsibility: An Individual Account: Seumas Miller.
12. On the Agency of Certain Collective Entities: An Argument fromNormative Autonomy: David Copp.
13. The Rationality of Collective Guilt: Deborah Tollefsen.
14. We're all in this Together: Responsibility of Collective Agents and Their Members: Kay Mathiesen.
15. Imposing and Embracing Collective Responsibility: Why the Moral Difference?: Keith Graham.
16. Collective Responsibility, Corporate Responsibility and Moral Taint: David Silver.
17. Corporate Moral Agency: Denis G. Arnold.
18. On the Ultimate Responsibility of Collectives: Ish Haji.
19. State Aggression, Collective Liability, and Individual Mens Rea: Larry May.
20. Health Care in the United States: Evil Intentions and Collective Responsibility: Victoria Davion