Taking into account geographical and linguistic disparities, as well as social, political and cultural upheavals, these twelve contributions provide a nuanced overview of the relationship Christians have with classical education in late antiquity. The major contribution of the book lies in the attention paid to many little-known and under-exploited literary sources. The treatment reserved for them contributes to improving not only the knowledge of late antiquity and the richness of its literary production, but also the understanding of these texts, which sometimes do not yet benefit from a modern critical edition. The work, far from ending the subject, will undoubtedly demonstrate the complexity of the study of Christian attitudes towards paideia in the field of education in late antiquity and will certainly lead to further research on the question.
- Nathan Carlig, Universita di Roma, Italy, in the Bryn Mawr Classical Review
Peter Gemeinhardt is Professor of Church History at Goettingen University, Germany. He is director of the DFG-funded Collaborative Research Centre 'Education and Religion in Cultures of the Mediterranean and Its Environment from Ancient to Medieval Times and to the Classical Islam' at the University of Goettingen. Recent publications include: Antonius: Der erste Moench and Die Kirche und ihre Heiligen. Studien zu Ekklesiologie und Hagiographie in der Spatantike.
Lieve Van Hoof is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Ghent University, Belgium. Trained as a classicist, historian and political scientist, she studies the interplay between literature and politics, culture and power. She is the author of Plutarch's Practical Ethics: The Social Dynamics of Philosophy, and editor of Libanius: A Critical Introduction.
Peter Van Nuffelen is Professor of Ancient History at Ghent University, Belgium. His main research interests are the religious history of the ancient world and Late Antiquity. He has recently published Orosius and the Rhetoric of History. Another book, entitled Penser la tolerance durant l'Antiquite tardive, will appear shortly.
Part I Monastic Education: Early monasticism and the rhetorical tradition: sayings and stories as school texts, Larsen / The education of Shenoute and other Cenobitic leaders: inside and outside of the monastery, Timbie / Teaching the new classics: Bible and biography in a Pachomian monastery, Watts / Part II Gnomic Knowledge: An education through gnomic wisdom: the Pandect of Antiochus as Bibliotheksersatz, Papadogiannakis / Syriac translations of Plutarch, Lucian, and Themistius: a gnomic format for an instructional purpose?, Rigolio / Athens and/or Jerusalem? Basil's and Chrysostom's views on the didactic use of literature and stories, Stenger / Part III Protreptic: Christian hagiography and the rhetorical tradition: Victricius of Rouen, In Praise of the Saints, Gemeinhardt / Falsification as a protreptic to truth: the force of the forged epistolary exchange between Basil and Libanius, Van Hoof / Scripture and liturgy in the Life of Mary of Egypt, Krueger / Part IV Secular and Religious Learning: How shall we plead? The Conference of Carthage (411) on styles of argument, Van Nuffelen / Victor of Vita and secular education, Voessing / Education in the Syriac world of Late Antiquity, King / Index.