Introductory/Overview Chapters ; 1. Children's Environmental Health - A New Branch of Pediatrics ; Philip J. Landrigan and Ruth A. Etzel ; 2. Children's Exquisite Vulnerability to Environmental Exposures ; Ruth A. Etzel and Philip J. Landrigan ; 3. The Chemical Environment and Children's Health ; Philip J. Landrigan and Ruth A. Etzel ; 4. Intrauterine Nutrition and Children's Health ; Robert H. Lane, Lisa Joss-Moore, Ryann Bierer, and Laurie J. Moyer-Mileur ; 5. Social and Behavioral Influences on Child Health and Development ; Rosalind J. Wright ; 6. Epidemiology - A Tool for Studying Environmental Influences on Children's Health ; Dean Baker ; 7. Exposure Science to Protect Children's Health ; Paul J. Lioy and Clifford P. Weisel ; 8. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Children's Environmental Health ; Panos G. Georgopoulos and Paul J. Lioy ; 9. Developmental Toxicology and Children's Environmental Health ; Edward D. Levin ; 10. Genetics, Epigenetics and Children's Environmental Health ; Robert O. Wright ; 11. Economics and Children's Environmental Health ; Philip J. Landrigan ; 12. The Global Dimension of Children's Environmental Health ; Ruth A. Etzel ; Environments ; 13. The Intrauterine Environment and Early Infancy ; Ami Zota, Dylan Atchley, and Tracey Woodruff ; 14. The Home Environment ; Johnna S. Murphy and Megan Sandel ; 15. The School/Child Care Environment ; Mana Mann and Maida Galvez ; 16. The Shape of the Built Environment Shapes Children's Health ; Richard J. Jackson and Ashley Kissinger ; 17. The Play Environment ; James Roberts, James T. McElligott, and Kristina Kay Gustafson ; 18. The Benefits of the Green Environment ; William Crain and Ellen F. Crain ; 19. The Farm Environment ; James A. Merchant and Diane S. Rohlman ; 20. Workplace Safety for Young Workers ; Carol W. Runyan, Michael D. Schulman, and Lawrence E. Scholl ; 21. The Changing Global Environment and Children's Health ; Perry E. Sheffield and Kristie L. Ebi ; Environmental Hazards ; 22. Outdoor Air Pollution ; Douglas W. Dockery ; 23. Indoor Air Pollution ; Archana Patel ; 24. Tobacco Smoke. Active and Passive ; Jonathan M. Samet ; 25. Water Pollution ; Tim Ford and Steve Hamner ; 26. Sanitation and Hygiene ; Ruth A. Etzel ; 27. Hazardous Waste and Toxic Hotspots ; Richard Fuller ; 28. Lead ; Bruce Lanphear ; 29. Mercury ; Philippe Grandjean ; 30. Arsenic ; Fen Wu, Faruque Parvez, Joseph H. Graziano, and Yu Chen ; 31. Other Metals ; Roberto Lucchini and Chiara Benedetti ; 32. Pesticides ; Catherine J. Karr and Virginia A. Rauh ; 33. PCBs, Dioxins, Furans, DDT, Polybrominated Compounds, Polyfluorinated Compounds and other Halogenated Hydrocarbons ; Philip J. Landrigan ; 34. Volatile Organic Chemicals ; Dana Boyd Barr, P. Barry Ryan, and Brian Buckley ; 35. Endocrine Disruptors ; Annemarie Stroustrup and Shanna H. Swan ; 36. Chemical Obesogens and Obesity ; Michele La Merrill, Kyla Taylor, Kristina A. Thayer, and Linda S. Birnbaum ; 37. Environmental Carcinogens and Childhood Cancer ; Irena Buka and Alvaro Osornio ; 38. Mold ; Dorr G. Dearborn ; 39. Physical Hazards ; Sophie J Balk ; 40. Ionizing Radiation ; David Hoel ; 41. Electromagnetic Fields ; Kurt Straiff, Robert Baan, and Neela Guha ; The Environment and Disease in Children ; 42. Prematurity, Low Birth Weight and the Environment ; Shiv Kapoor and Cynthia F. Bearer ; 43. Asthma, Allergy and the Environment ; Peter D. Sly ; 44. Neurodevelopmental Disorders and the Environment ; David C. Bellinger ; 45. Birth Defects and the Environment ; Christina Chambers ; 46. Obesity, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease and the Environment ; Nikki Mihalopoulos ; 47. Liver Disease in Children and the Environment ; Frederick J. Suchy ; 48. Kidney Disease in Children and the Environment ; Virginia M. Weaver ; 49. Injuries, Trauma and the Enviroenment ; Catherine J. Vladutiu and Renee M. Johnson ; 50. Acute Pediatric Poisoning ; Jennifer Lowry ; Prevention and Control of Diseases of Environmental Origin in Children ; 51. The Environmental History & Examination. The Key to Diagnosis of Environmental Diseases ; Jerome A. Paulson and Lauren Gordon ; 52. Clinical Practice of Environmental Pediatrics around the World ; Amalia Laborde ; 53. Public Policy on Children's Environmental Health in the United States ; Lynn Goldman and Philip J. Landrigan ; 54. Public Policy on Children's Environmental Health in the Europe ; Genon K. Jensen and Diana G. Smith ; 55. Public Policy on Children's Environmental Health in Asia ; Eunhee Ha ; 56. Global Treaties and Children's Environmental Health ; Roberto Bertollini ; 57. The Impact of Poverty, Disparity and Injustice on Children's Environmental Health ; Luz Claudio ; 58. War, Terrorism, and Children's Health ; Barry S. Levy and Victor W. Sidel ; 59. Natural Disasters, Environmental Emergencies and Children's Health ; Henry Falk ; 60. New Frontiers in Children's Environmental Health ; Philip J. Landrigan and Ruth A. Etzel