List of FiguresList of TablesForeword by Amitava Krishna DuttPrefaceNotes on ContributorsIntroduction by Phillip Anthony O'HaraPart A: GLOBAL PERFORMANCE AND THE WEALTH OF NATIONS1. A Global Economy, Polycentric World or System of Nation States?Wil Hout2. Wealth and Welfare of Nations, Continents and CorporationsPhillip ANthony O'Hara3. Uneven Development, Convergence and North-South InteractionAmitava Krishna Dutt4. Recent Perfomance of the Developing East Asian EconomiesHarry Bloch and Sam Tang5. Transformation to a Market Economy in Eastern Europe, the Former Soviet Union and AsiaJohn MarangosPart B: GLOBAL INSTITUTIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS6. Transnational Corporations: Dynamic Structures, Strategies and ProcessesJohn Davis7. Transnational Financial Institutions, Global Financial Flows and the International Monetary FundReynold Nesiba and Maureen Burton8. World Trade Organization, Free Trade Areas and the Distribution of WealthHassan Bougrine9. The Global Gender Division of LabourHella Hoppe and Wilfred Dolfsma10. Conspicuous Consumption, Fashion and Style in the Global MarketplaceDoug BrownPart C: CRITICAL GLOBAL AND REGIONAL PROBLEMS11. Financial Crises, Crashes and Speculative Bubbles: The Regulation Imperative in a Critique of Recent EpisodesBrenda Spotton Visano12. Environmental Problems of the World: Global Warming and BiodiversityAndrew John Brennan13. World Poverty, Hunger and DiseaseEdward O'Boyle14. Ethnic and Religious Tension in the World: A Political-Economic PerspectiveAsoka Bandarage15. The War on Terrorism, Political-Economic Contradictions and Policy IssuesPhillip Anthony O'HaraPart D: GOVERNANCE ISSUES FOR THE FUTURE16. Viability of Government Policies in a Globalized EconomyPhillip Anthony O'Hara17. Viable Policies, Programs and Institutions for the FutureHassan Bougrine18. Development Policies for the Twenty-First CenturyB.N. GhoshIndex