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The Christian Theology Reader PROF ALISTER E. McGRATH (University of Oxford UK )

The Christian Theology Reader By PROF ALISTER E. McGRATH (University of Oxford UK )

The Christian Theology Reader by PROF ALISTER E. McGRATH (University of Oxford UK )

Condition - Very Good
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The new edition of this collection of readings builds on the success of the first edition of "The Christian Theology Reader". It includes more than 300 seminal readings from the entire Christian tradition, using important sources from the patristic, medieval, Reformation, and modern periods.

The Christian Theology Reader Summary

The Christian Theology Reader by PROF ALISTER E. McGRATH (University of Oxford UK )

The new edition of this widely used collection of readings builds on the success of the first edition of The Christian Theology Reader. It now includes more than 300 seminal readings from the entire Christian tradition, using important sources from the patristic, medieval, Reformation, and modern periods. Each reading has been selected on the basis of audience surveys and includes a detailed individual introduction, comments, and questions.The supporting material for every reading has been classroom tested, making this Reader highly accessible for those new to the subject. Full details of the sources of the readings are provided, and all texts are cross-referenced for ease of use. It includes a wide-range of theological and denominational interests, and topical indexes allow easy access to themes throughout Christian history. This new edition also contains an updated glossary of theological terms and details of Internet holdings of theological texts for further study. Used alone or in conjunction with the author's bestselling textbook, Christian Theology: An Introduction, the second edition of this Reader is the essential guide to the key sources and texts available in the field. Both the author and publisher are committed to keeping these books available and regularly updated in the light of user comments and evaluations. More details on the second edition of The Christian Theology Reader can be found on the following website:http: //www

The Christian Theology Reader Reviews

"In a time when Christians are increasingly ignorant of our own traditions, McGrath's efforts in his Introduction and this Reader are most welcome. Those who have found his Introduction a significant resource will undoubtedly also want to use his companion set of readings. Its great strength is the breadth of figures and topics treated, and we can hope that students who become acquainted with the riches in these brief selections will want to return to engage the primary sources in their fullness. Such engagements could offer an important sign of hope for Christianity's future." L. Gregory Jones, Duke University, North Carolina (of the previous edition) "This anthology of extracts from primary sources will prove extremely useful for teaching historical and systematic theology. It is essential that students use primary sources, and a compromise has to be reached between undue expectations and snippets which are too brief to help. In the light of the author's introductions, the quotations are sufficiently substantial to be useful, yet remain within a compass which is realistic for undergraduate or theological college needs. I shall place it high on my book-lists for students". Anthony C. Thiselton, University of Nottingham (of the previous edition) "The Christian Theology Reader brings the best primary sources to the theological inquirer." Gabriel Fackre, Andover Newton Theological School (of the previous edition)

About PROF ALISTER E. McGRATH (University of Oxford UK )

Alister E McGrath is Principal of Wycliffe Hall, Oxford and Professor of Historical Theology at Oxford University. He is the author of numerous bestselling books. His previous publications with Blackwell Publishers include: Christian Literature: An Anthology (2000), Christian Spirituality (1999) Reformation Thought 3rd edition (1999), Historical Theology (1998), Science and Religion (1998), and An Introduction to Christianity (1997), amongst many others.

Table of Contents

Introduction. Mission Statement. Preface. To the Student: How to Use this Work. To the Teacher: How to Use this Book. Acknowledgments. Part I: Getting Started: Preliminaries: 1. Justin Martyr on Philosophy and Theology. 2. Clement of Alexandria on Philosophy and Theology. 3. Tertullian on the Relation of Philosophy and Heresy. 4. Augustine on Philosophy and Theology. 5. The Nicene Creed. 6. The Apostles' Creed. 7. Anselm of Canterbury's Proof for the Existence of God. 8. Gaunilo's Reply to Anselm's Argument. 9. Thomas Aquinas on Proofs for the Existence of God. 10. Thomas Aquinas on the Principle of Analogy. 11. Martin Luther on the Theology of the Cross. 12. John Calvin on the Nature of Faith. 13. The Heidelberg Catechism on Images of God. 14. John Locke on the Formation of the Concept of God. 15. RenU Descartes on the Existence of God. 16. Blaise Pascal on Proofs for the Existence of God. 17. Blaise Pascal on the Hiddenness of God. 18. Immanuel Kant on Anselm's Ontological Argument. 19. Vatican I on Faith and Reason. 20. John Henry Newman on the Grounds of Faith. 21. Adolf von Harnack on the Origins of Dogma. 22. Karl Barth on the Nature and Task of Theology. 23. Ludwig Wittgenstein on Analogy. 24. Ludwig Wittgenstein on Proofs for the Existence of God. 25. Dietrich Bonhoeffer on God in a Secular World. 26 Paul Tillich on the Method of Correlation. 27. Sallie McFague on Metaphor in Theology. 28. Gustavo GutiUrrez on Theology as Critical Reflection. 29. Brian A. Gerrish on Accommodation in Calvin's Theology. 30. George Lindbeck on Postliberal Approaches to Doctrine. Part II: The Sources of Theology: 1. The Muratorian Fragment on the New Testament Canon. 2. Irenaeus on the Role of Tradition. 3. Hippolytus on Typological Interpretation of Scripture. 4. Clement of Alexandria on the Fourfold Interpretation of Scripture. 5. Tertullian on Tradition and Apostolic Succession. 6. Origen on the Three Ways of Reading Scripture. 7. Cyril of Jerusalem on the Role of Creeds. 8. Augustine on the Literal and Allegorical Senses of Scripture. 9. Jerome on the Role of Scripture. 10. Vincent of LUrins on the Role of Tradition. 11. Bernard of Clairvaux on the Allegorical Sense of Scripture. 12. Stephen Langton on the Moral Sense of Scripture. 13. Ludolf of Saxony on Reading Scripture Imaginatively. 14. Jacques LefYvre d'Etaples on the Senses of Scripture. 15. Martin Luther on the Four-Fold Sense of Scripture. 16. Martin Luther on Revelation in Christ. 17. John Calvin on the Natural Knowledge of God. 18. John Calvin on the Relation between Old and New Covenants. 19. The Council of Trent on Scripture and Tradition. 20. The Gallic Confession on the Canon of Scripture. 21. The Belgic Confession on the Book of Nature. 22. The Formula of Concord on Scripture and the Theologians. 23. King James I on the Relation of Old and New Testaments. 24. The King James Translators on Biblical Translation. 25. Sir Thomas Browne on the Two Books of Revelation. 26. Philip Jakob Spener on Scripture and the Christian Life. 27. Nicolus Ludwig von Zinzendorf on Reason and Experience. 28. Jonathan Edwards on the Beauty of Creation. 29. William Paley on the Wisdom of the Creation. 30. Johann Adam M hler on Living Tradition. 31. John Henry Newman on the Role of Tradition. 32. Archibald Alexander Hodge on the Inspiration of Scripture. 33. Charles Gore on the Relation of Dogma to the New Testament. 34. James Orr on the Centrality of Revelation for Christianity. 35. Wilhelm Herrmann on the Nature of Revelation. 36. Karl Barth on Revelation as God's Self-Disclosure. 37. Emil Brunner on the Personal Nature of Revelation. 38. Rudolf Bultmann on Demythologization and Biblical Interpretation. 39. Karl Rahner on the Authority of Scripture. 40. Phyllis Trible on Feminist Biblical Interpretation. 41. Donald G. Bloesch on Christological Approaches to Biblical Hermeneutics. 42. John Meyendorff on Living Tradition. 43. James I. Packer on the Nature of Revelation. 44. Thomas F. Torrance on Karl Barth's Criticism of Natural Theology. 45. The Catechism of the Catholic Church on Scripture and Tradition. Part III: The Doctrine of God: 1. Athenagoras of Athens on the Christian God. 2. Irenaeus on the Origin of Evil. 3. Irenaeus on the Trinity. 4. Tertullian on Creation from Pre-Existent Matter. 5. Origen on Creation from Pre-existent Matter. 6. Origen on the Relation of God and Evil. 7. Origen on the Suffering of God. 8. Origen on the Changelessness of God. 9. Basil of Caesarea on the Work of the Holy Spirit. 10. Gregory of Nazianzus on the Gradual Revelation of the Trinity. 11. Hilary of Poitiers on the Trinity. 12. Augustine on the Trinity. 13. Augustine on the Relation of God and Evil. 14. Augustine on the Holy Spirit. 15. Epiphanius of Constantia on Sabellianism. 16. Cyril of Alexandria on the Role of the Holy Spirit. 17. Fulgentius of Ruspe on the Holy Spirit and Eucharist. 18. The Eleventh Council of Toledo on the Trinity. 19. Anselm of Canterbury on the Compassion of God. 20. Richard of St Victor on Love within the Trinity. 21. Alexander of Hales on the Suffering of God in Christ. 22. Thomas Aquinas on Divine Omnipotence. 23. Julian of Norwich on God as our Mother. 24. William of Ockham on the Two Powers of God. 25. Thomas O Kempis on the Limits of Trinitarian Speculation 26 John Owen on the Sovereignty of God. 27. Benedict Spinoza on the Impassability of God. 28. F. D. E. Schleiermacher on the Trinity. 29. Karl Barth on the "Otherness" of God. 30. Jrgen Moltmann on the Suffering of God. 31. Richard Swinburne on the Concept of Creation. 32. Leonardo Boff on the Trinity as Good News for the Poor. 33. Robert Jenson on the Trinity. 34. Hans Kng on the Immutability of God. 35. Eberhard Jngel on the Crucified God. 36. Jacques Ellul on the Theology of Icons. 37. Paul Jewett on Non-Inclusive Language and the Trinity. 38. Anne Carr on Feminism and the Maleness of God. Part IV: The Person of Christ: 1. Ignatius of Antioch on Docetism. 2. Irenaeus of Lyons on Gnosticism in Christology. 3. Tertullian on Patripassianism. 4. Tertullian on the Incarnation. 5. Origen on the Two Natures of Christ. 6. Arius on the Status of Christ. 7. Athanasius on the Two Natures of Christ. 8. Apollinarius of Laodicea on the Person of Christ. 9. Gregory of Nazianzus on Apollinarianism. 10. Nestorius on the Term "Theotokos". 11. Cyril of Alexandria on Nestorius' Christology. 12. Cyril of Alexandria on the Incarnation. 13. Cyril of Alexandria on Mary as the Mother of God. 14. Leo the Great on the Two Natures. 15. The Chalcedonian Definition of the Christian Faith (451). 16. The Emperor Zeno on the Natures of Christ. 17. The Monophysites on the Natures of Christ. 18. John of Damascus on the Incarnation and Icons. 19. Gregory Palamas on the Divine Condescension in the Incarnation. 20. William Dunbar on the Incarnation. 21. Martin Luther's Critique of Nestorianism. 22. Franyois Turrettini on the Threefold Office of Christ. 23. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing on the Ditch of History. 24. F. D. E. Schleiermacher on the "Natural Heresies" of Christianity. 25. A. B. Ritschl on the Uniqueness of Jesus Christ. 26. Martin Kohler on the Historical Jesus. 27. George Tyrrell on the Christ of liberal Protestantism. 28. Albert Schweitzer on the Failure of the "Quest for the Historical Jesus". 29. Peter Taylor Forsyth on the Person of Christ. 30. Ernst Troeltsch on Faith and History. 31. Dorothy L. Sayers on Christology and Dogma. 32. Paul Tillich on the Dispensability of the Historical Jesus. 33. Wolfhart Pannenberg on the Indispensability of the Historical Jesus. 34. Thomas F. Torrance on the Incarnation and Soteriology. 35. Daphne Hampson on the Possibility of a Feminist Christology. 36. N. T. Wright on History and Christology. Part V: Salvation in Christ: 1. Irenaeus on the "Ransom" Theory of the atonement. 2. Irenaeus on "Recapitulation" in Christ. 3. Clement of Alexandria on Christ's Death as an Example of Love. 4. Athanasius on the Death of Christ. 5. Athanasius on the Relation of Christology and Soteriology. 6. Pseudo-Hippolytus on the Cosmic Dimensions of the Cross. 7. Rufinus of Aquileia on the "Mousetrap" theory of the Atonement. 8. Pseudo-Hippolytus on the Cosmic Dimensions of the Cross. 9. An Ancient Liturgy on Christ's Descent into Hell. 10. Theodoret of Cyrrhus on the Death of Christ. 11. Augustine on Redemption in Christ. 12. Simeon the New Theologian on Salvation as Deification. 13. Anselm of Canterbury on the Atonement. 14. Peter Abelard on the Love of Christ in Redemption. 15. Hugh of St Victor on the Death of Christ. 16. Thomas Aquinas on the Satisfaction of Christ. 17. Nicholas Cabasilas on the Death of Christ. 18. John Calvin on the Grounds of Redemption. 19. The Socinian Critique of the Idea of Satisfaction. 20. John Donne on the Work of Christ. 21. George Herbert on the Death of Christ and Redemption. 22. Charles Wesley on Salvation in Christ. 23. F. D. E. Schleiermacher on Christ as a Charismatic Leader. 24. F. D. E. Schleiermacher on Christology and Soteriology. 25. Charles Gore on the Relation of Christology and Soteriology. 26. Hastings Rashdall on Christ as a Moral Example. 27. James Denney on Atonement and Incarnation. 28. Gustaf AulUn on the Classic Theory of the Atonement. 29. Vladimir Lossky on Redemption as Deification. 30. Wolfhart Pannenberg on Soteriological Approaches to Christology. 31. James I. Packer on Penal Substitution. 32. Colin E. Gunton on the Language of Atonement. Part VI: Human Nature, Sin and Grace: 1. Irenaeus on Human Progress. 2 .Tertullian on the Origin of Sin. 3. Tertullian on Inherited Guilt. 4. Tertullian on the Image of God. 5. Origen on the Image of God. 6. Origen on Inherited Sin. 7. Lactantius on Political Aspects of the Image of God. 8. Ambrose on the Unmerited Character of Salvation. 9. Ambrosiaster on Original Sin. 10. Gregory of Nyssa on Human Longing for God. 11. Augustine on the Divine Election. 12. Augustine on the Nature of Predestination. 13. Augustine on Fallen Human Nature. 14. Augustine on Human Freedom. 15. Augustine on Irresistible Grace and Perseverance. 16. Pelagius on Human Responsibility. 17. Pelagius on Human Freedom. 18. Pelagius' Rejection of Original Sin. 19. The Council of Carthage on Grace. 20. The Synod of Arles on Pelagianism. 21. The Second Council of Orange on Grace and Freedom. 22. John Scotus Eriugena on the Nature of Paradise. 23. Hildegard of Bingen on the Creation of Man and Woman. 24. Alan of Lille on Penitence as a Cause of Grace. 25. Francis of Assisi on the Creation. 26. Thomas Aquinas on the Nature of Grace. 27. Gregory of Rimini on Predestination. 28. Gabriel Biel on Merit and Justification. 29. Martin Luther's Discovery of the "Righteousness of God". 30. Martin Luther on Justifying Faith. 31. Martin Luther on Sin and Grace. 32. Philip Melanchthon on Justification by Faith. 33. John Calvin on Predestination. 34. John Calvin on Faith and the Promises of God. 35. John Calvin on the Concept of Justification. 36. The Council of Trent on Justification. 37. Theodore Beza on the Causes of Predestination. 38. James Ussher on the Grounds of Assurance. 39. The Westminster Confession on Predestination. 40. Nicolus Ludwig von Zinzendorf on Saving Faith. 41. Friedrich Christoph Oetinger on Conversion. 42. Jonathan Edwards on Original Sin. 43. John Wesley on Justification. 44. Emil Brunner on the Image of God. 45. Karl Barth on Election in Christ. 46. Emil Brunner on Barth's Doctrine of Election. 47. Reinhold Niebuhr on Original Sin. 48. Daphne Hampson on Feminist Approaches to Sin. 49. Mary Hayter on Human Sexuality and the Image of God. Part VII: The Church: 1. Irenaeus on the Function of the Church. 2 .Origen on the Church and Salvation. 3. Cyprian of Carthage on the Unity of the Church. 4. Cyril of Jerusalem on the Catholicity of the Church. 5. Petilian of Citra on the Purity of Ministers. 6. Augustine on the Mixed Nature of the Church. 7. Leo the Great on Ministry within the Church. 8. Innocent III on the Church and State. 9. Thomas Aquinas on the Catholicity of the Church. 10. Boniface VIII on Papal Primacy: Unam Sanctam. 11. Jan Hus on the Church. 12. Martin Luther on the Marks of the Church. 13. Martin Luther on Priests and Laity. 14. Philip Melanchthon on the Nature of Catholicity. 15. Sebastian Franck on the True Church. 16. The First Helvetic Confession on the Nature of the Church. 17. John Calvin on the Marks of the Church. 18. Richard Hooker on the Purity of the Church. 19. The Westminster Confession of Faith on the Church. 20. John Owen on the Nature of a Gospel Church. 21. F. D. E. Schleiermacher on the Church as a Fellowship of Believers. 22. Vatican I on Papal Primacy in the Church. 23. Henry Barclay Swete on the Apostolicity of the Church. 24. The Barmen Confession on the Identity of the Church. 25. Vatican II on the Nature of the Church. 26. John D. Zizioulas on Local and Universal Churches. 27. Leonardo Boff on the Nature of Local Churches. 28. Avery Dulles on the Meanings of "Catholicity". Part VIII: The Sacraments: 1. Clement of Alexandria on Faith as Feeding on Christ. 2. Clement of Alexandria on the Results of Baptism. 3. Cyprian of Carthage on Heretical Baptism. 4. Cyril of Jerusalem on the Meaning of Baptism. 5. Cyril of Jerusalem on the Body and Blood of Christ. 6. Hilary of Poitiers on the Effects of Baptism. 7. Augustine on Donatist Approaches to the Sacraments. 8. Augustine on the "Right to Baptize". 9. John of Damascus on the Holy Spirit and Eucharist. 10. Paschasius Radbertus on the Real Presence. 11. Ratranmus of Corbie on the Real Presence. 12. Candidus of Fulda on "This is My Body". 13. Lanfranc of Bec on the Mystery of the Sacraments. 14. Hugh of St Victor on the Definition of a Sacrament. 15. Peter Lombard on the Definition of a Sacrament. 16. Thomas Aquinas on Transubstantiation. 17. Martin Luther on the Number of Sacraments. 18. Martin Luther on the Doctrine of Transubstantiation. 19. Martin Luther on the Bread and Wine as a Testament. 20. Martin Luther on Baptism. 21. Philip Melanchthon on Sacramental Signs. 22. Kornelius Hendriks Hoen on "This is My Body". 23. Huldrych Zwingli on "This is My Body". 24. Huldrych Zwingli on the Nature of Sacraments. 25. The First Helvetic Confession on the Efficacy of the Sacraments. 26. John Calvin on the Nature of Sacraments. 27. Martin Bucer on the Sacraments. 28. The Council of Trent on Transubstantiation. 29. Theodore Beza on Sacramental Signs. 30. John Wesley on the Eucharist and Salvation. 31. Vatican II on the Eucharist. 32. Edward Schillebeeckx on Understanding the Real Presence. 33. Alexander Schmemann on the Eucharist. Part IX: Christianity and World Religions: 1. Justin Martyr on Christianity before Christ. 2. Ludwig Feuerbach on the Origin of Religion. 3. Karl Marx on Feuerbach's Views on Religion. 4. Karl Barth on Christianity and Religion. 5. Karl Rahner on Christianity and the Non-Christian Religions. 6. Vatican II on Non-Christian Religions. 7. Clark Pinnock on Pluralists and Christology. 8. John Hick on Complementary Pluralism. 9. C. S Song on the Cross and the Lotus. 10. John B. Cobb Jr. on Religious Pluralism. 11. Lesslie Newbigin on the Gospel in a Pluralist Culture. Part X: Last Things: 1. Irenaeus on the Final Restoration of Creation. 2. Theophilus of Antioch on Conditional Immortality. 3. Tertullian on Hell and Heaven. 4. Tertullian on the Millennium. 5. Origen on the Resurrection Body. 6. Methodius of Olympus on the Resurrection. 7. Cyril of Jerusalem on Prayers for the Dead. 8. Gregory of Nyssa on the Resurrection Body. 9. John Chrysostom on Prayers for the Dead. 10. Augustine on the Christian Hope. 11. Gregory the Great on Purgatory. 12. Benedict XII on seeing God in Heaven. 13. Catherine of Genoa on Purgatory. 14. John Donne on the Resurrection. 15. Jeremy Taylor on Death and Heaven. 16. Jonathan Edwards on the Reality of Hell. 17. John Wesley on Universal Restoration. 18. Rudolf Bultmann on the Existential Interpretation of Eschatology. 19. Helmut Thielicke on Ethics and Eschatology. 20. Richard Bauckham on Jrgen Moltmann's Eschatology. 21. Hans Urs von Balthasar on Hell. 22. Gabriel Fackre on the Last Things. 23. Philip E. Hughes on Everlasting Death. Details of Theologians Cited. Sources of Readings. Suggestions for Further Reading. Theological Sources on the Internet. A Glossary of Theological Terms. Copyright Acknowledgements. Index.

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The Christian Theology Reader by PROF ALISTER E. McGRATH (University of Oxford UK )
Used - Very Good
John Wiley and Sons Ltd
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