Arab Media: Power and Weakness by Professor Dr Kai Hafez
Ever since the events of 9/11, great attention has been paid to Arab mass media by politicians, experts and journalists around the world. Many have argued that Arab media has been the catalyst for various political and social developments ranging from democracy to political radicalization and from Westernization to Arab and Muslim cultural renaissance. Much of the debate, however, has been too narrowly focused - particularly on the famous TV network Al-Jazeera. This leaves the majority of the dynamic Arab media unnoticed. Moreover, the existing scholarly literature on the subject often lacks theoretical and empirical sophistication, and it is these gaps that this book will address.The editor of Arab Media: Power and Weakness has invited the best scholars on the subject, from around the world, to participate, with the aim of evaluating, revising, and stimulating the academic debate on Arab media.Arab Media: Power and Weakness is comprised of research synopses (comprehensive overviews over the current academic literature and blind spots of research in one of the above mentioned fields); original empirical research; and theoretical papers.The result is a comprehensive handbook of up-to-date research and scholarship on this important and fast-changing subject, which will be of use to all students and researchers of the contemporary Arab world.