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Ralf Brown is a coauthor of PC Interrupts, Second Edition, Network Interrupts, and Undocumented DOS, Second Edition. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Carnegie Mellon University's Center for Machine Translation, where he maintains the master interrupts list.
Ralf Brown, an independent software developer, holds a Ph.D. in computer science from Carnegie Mellon University and is well-known in the on-line community for maintaining the "Interrupt List." He is coauthor of PC Interrupts and Network Interrupts (both from Addison-Wesley).
Jim Kyle is cofounder and research director of Automation Resources, Inc., in Oklahoma City. He is a contributing editor and columnist for Windows Tech Journal, and coauthored PC Interrupts, Second Edition, Network Interrupts, and Undocumented DOS, Second Edition.
He is a recognized expert on a wide range of programming topics. He writes a column in Windows Tech Journal and has written or contributed to several Addison-Wesley books, including PC Interrupts, Network Interrupts, and Undocumented DOS.